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Wallace na thou ma nocht this kynrik saiff. 290
Mycht Eduuard king get him, for gold or land,
To be his man, than suld he bruk Scotland.’
Fol. 12 b The lordis bad cess; “Thow excedis to that knycht
Fer mayr be treuth than it is ony rycht.
The wrang conquest our king desiris ay; 295
On hym or vs it sail be seyne some day.
Wallace has rycht, bathe force and fair fortoun:
Ye hard how he eschapyt our presoune.”
Thus said that lord, syne prayit Schir Ranald fair
To mak this pes ; “Thou schirrefif art of Ayr. 300
As for a tyme we may awisit be :
Vndyr my seylle I sail be bound to the
For Inglismen, that thai sail do him nocht,
Nor to no Scottis, less it be on thaim socht.”
Schir Ranald wist he mycht thaim nocht ganestand; 305
Off lord Persye he has resauit this band.
Perseys war trew, and ay off full gret waill,
Sobyr in pes, and cruell in battaill.
Schir Ranald bownyde vpon the morne but baid,
Wallace to seke in Clydis forest braid. 310
So he him fand bownand to his dyner.
Quhen thai had seyne this gud knycht was so ner,
Weyle he him knew, and tauld thaim quhat he was;
Meruaille he had quhat gart him hiddyr pass,
Maide him gud cheyr of meyttis fresche and fyne. 315
King Eduuardis self could nocht get bettir wyn
Than thai had thar, warnage and wenysoune
Off bestiall in to full gret fusioun.
Syn eftir mett, he schew thaim of hys deide,
How he had beyne in to so mekill dreid. 320
“Now,” he said, “wyrk part of my consaill;
293. lord ; (excedis) faillis.
294. (be) in.
304. (less) bot.
3°5- ganested.
307. Perse was; and ay of greit auaill.
309. him bownit on.
310. {braid) raid.
311. sand—a misprint.
312. {was so) cum and.
315. (fresche) gude.
317. vernage.
318. A. omits full.
319. (mett) meit.
321. (Now) Nevoy—a better reading.

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