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And his brodyr that douchty was and der.
Quhen Wallace saw that fals knycht was so ner,
His corage grew in ire as a lyoune.
Till him he ran, and fell frekis bar he doune;
As he glaid by, aukwart he couth hym ta, 175
The and arsone in sondyr gart he ga.
Fra the coursour he fell on the fer syd;
With a staff suerd Boyd stekit him that tyde.
Or he was dede, the gret pres come so fast,
Our him to grounde thai bur Boyde at the last. 180
Wallace was ner, and ratornde agayne
Hym to reskew, till that he rais off payne;
Wichtly him wor, quhill he a suerd had tayne.
Throu out the stour thir twa in feyr ar gayne.
The ramanand apon thaim folowit fast; 185
In thar passage fell Sothron maid agast.
Adam Wallace, the ayr off Ricardtoun,
Straik ane Bewmound, a squier of renoun,
On the pyssan, with his hand burnyst bar,
The thrusande blaid his hals in sender schayr. 190
The Inglismen, thocht thar chyftayn was slayne,
Fol. 11 b Bauldly thai baid, as men mekill off mayn.
Reth hors repende rouschede frekis wndir feit;
The Scottis on fute gert mony loiss the suete.
Wicht men lichtyt thaim selff for to defend; 195
Quhar Wallace come thar deide was litill kend.
The Sothroune part so frusched was that tide,
That in the stour thai mycht no langar bide.
Wallace in deide he wrocht so worthely,
The squier Boid, and all thair chewalry, 200
171. And of.
174. freikis feill bair doun.
175. ane awkwart straik can him ta—an error
due to ignorance of original meaning
of awkward.
176. Baith thee.
178. {staff) styfif, P. With ane schairp sword
he straik him in yat tyde.
179. (the) ane.
181. (ratornde) turnit in.
182. quhill he rais of the pane.
183. Wichtly did him weir.
185. remanent.
189. (hand) so in MS. A. has sword — a
better reading.
190. (thrusande) burneist.
191. (thocht) saw.
192. (thai baid) abaid; of mekill mane.
193. Riche hors rampand ruschit.
195. (wicht) with—a misprint.
197. (so) for—perhaps a misprint for sor.
199. (so) richt.

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