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Determyt, pp. determined, 13. J. has
the verb determe.
Deuil, devil; in the twenty deuil way,
in the way of twenty devils, by all
possible means, 56. See note, p. 72.
Deuise, z/. tell, 12, 73.
Deuotly, adv. devoutly, 62.
Dewe, a. due, 119.
Deye, v. die, 86. See Dee.
Digne, a. worthy, 39, 135.
Direct, pp. directed, 62.
Dirknesse, darkness, 71.
Discord, v. disagree, 92.
Discriue, v. describe, 16 ; Discryving,
pres. pt. 4. J.
Dispite, spite, malice, 87.
Displesance, unhappiness, sorrow, 82.
Disport, sport, pleasure, delight, 134.
Disseuerance, separation, 93.
Ditee, ditty, 36, 62.
Do, v. cause, make, 44, 69 ; Dois,
2 prr. s. dost, 166; Dooth, pr. s.
makes, 44 ; Dooth me think, makes
me think, 12 ; Do, imp. s. make,
60, 102.
Doctryne, teaching, instruction, 151.
Thy d., instruction of thee.
Doken, pi. docks, burdocks, 109.
Here doken — A. S. doccan, pi. of
docce, a dock (plant). J.
Dote, v. be foolish, be fond, 47.
Doubilnesse, doubtfulness, 18.
Dout, s. fear, 64, 71. So in Barbour.
Doutfull, a. fearful, timorous, 17.
Draware, s. drawer, one who draws,
Drede, s. dread, doubt; withoutin
drede, without doubt, 130. So in
Chaucer and Barbour.
Dredefull, a. timorous, 126. So in
Ch. C. T. 1481.
Dremes, pi. dreams, 174.
Dresse, v. direct, turn, 156; Dressit,
pt. s. prepared, 175 ; pt. pi. ad¬
dressed, 153; Drest, pp. ill-treated,
afflicted, 173. With the last pass¬
age compare the phrase ‘ to give one
a dressing. ’
Dromydare, s. dromedary, 156.
Druggare, s. drudge, drudger ; as a.
drudging, 155. J.
Dure, door, 75.
Ecclesiaste, Ecclesiastes, 133.
Effectis, pi. effects, influences, 146.
Effray, s. terror, p. 54, 1. 4.
Eft, adv. again, 10, 53.
Efter, adv. afterwards, 181.
Eftere, prep, after, 3, 64; in hope of,
104. Eflir in Barbour.
Eftsone, adv. very soon, 159.
Eke, adv. also, 173.
Elk, s. elk, 156.
Ellis, adv. otherwise, else, 59, 63 ;
" Elies, 39.
Embroudin, pp. embroidered, i. e.,
decked, 152. A false form; the
verb is weak. Read embraudit; cf.
Chaucer, Prol. 89.
Emeraut, 5. emerald, 46.
Enditing, pres. pt. enditing, 7.
Enditing, s. inditing, 18.
Endlang, adv. along, 167.
Endlang, prep, along, beside, 152;
Endlong, along, 81. So in Barbour.
Enprise, enterprise, 20. J. says ‘ex¬
ertion of power,’ which is probably
meant. See Enpriss in Barbour.
Ensample, example, reason, 148.
Ensured, pp. made sure, 9.
Entent, intent, intention, 13, 56, 190.
Entere, a. entire, 62.
Ere, s. ear, 172.
Ermyn, s. ermine, 157, 161.
Esperus, Hesperus, the evening-star,
Est, east, 20.
Estate, high rank, 3, 50 ; royalty, 94.
Euerichone, every one, 64.
Euour, a. ivory, 135. J.
Evin, adv. even, just, 21.
Evinly, adv. exactly, 177.
Evyn, adv. even ; apoun so litill evyn,
upon even so little, 182. See
Exile, 1 pr. s. banish, 117.
Exiltree, axle-tree, 189.
Extendit, pt. s. extended, 151.
Eyen, pi. eyes, 8; Een, p. 54, 1. 17.
Facture, s. shape, 50; mien, 66.
‘ ‘ Fact lire, the facture, workman¬
ship, framing of a thing; ” Cot-
grave. The same word as E. feat¬
ure. The old editions have failure,
but the MS. has facture.
Fader, father, 122.
Faille, v. fail (of), lose, 26.
Faille, s. doubt, 48.
P'air, a. as sb. fair fortune, 190; Faire,
fair one, 66.
Fair-calling, Salutation, Fair-wel¬
come, 97. See the note, p. 78.
Fallyng, pp. fallen, 164.
Falowe, fellow, companion, 23.
Fand, 1 //. j. found, 77, 79, 125, 154.
A. S. fand, pp. offindan.

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