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Sutht, adj. True, R 1709.
Swa, sua, adv. So, R 53 &c., &c.
Swerd, sb. R 1153 = sword, R 253,
suord, R 168.
Swere, su-, adj. Slothful, inactive,
R 1637, A6 220 ; wnswere,
active, energetic, R 1012, 1264.
Swere, suer, vb. Swear, inf. R 997,
imper. C 377.
Swet, su-, adj. Sweet, pleasant,
dear, R 99, 743 <S-c.; s. lewynge,
comfortable, adequate, T 249 ;
compar. suetar, F 39.
Swetly, su-, adv. Sweetly, courte¬
ously, F 90, 114.
Swetnes, su-, sb. Sweetness, R 190,
Ai 135 ; pleasure, R 1372.
Swik, sb. Deceit, treachery, R 1031.
Swilk, swyk, adj. Such, R 159,
swyk, R 11.
Ta, vb. See Tak.
Tablis, sb. pi. Backgammon, R
Tail(l, sb. Narrative, statement, R
1052, 1467, 1556 ; gyf na taill,
make no account of, R 1530.
Taynt, vb. Contaminate, corrupt,
p.p. taynt, C 60, 62.
Taist, sb. Taste, R 188, 195.
Taist-, vb. Taste, p.p. -yt Ai 135.
Tait, vb. Toy, dally, sport, inf.
T 178, imper. T 175. See note.
Tak, ta, vb. Take, inf. &-c. R 208
dye., cS-c., inf. ta, R 1497, 1498,
3rd sg. tais, C 99, prt. tuk,
R 1810, p.p. takin, T 60, tan(e,
R 770 dye.; tak in ill, take
amiss, C 120 ; quhar thai tak,
where they go, T 197; takis
thaim to thair defens, betake
them, make recourse to, F 120.
Takin(e, -yne, sb. Token, char¬
acteristic sign, evidence, R 668,
F 222, C 376 &-c., pi. F 307,
Taknyng, sb. Indication, D 38.
Talkyne, sb. T 141 = talking,
F 233.
Tan(e, vb. p.p. See Tak.
Tare-, vb. Tarry, linger, delay,
pr. p. -and T 140.
Ta(u)ld, vb. prt. See Tel(l.
Tawarne, sb. T 160 = taverne,
D 202.
Tech, sb. Characteristic trait,
(moral) attribute, pi. D 5.
Te(i)ch, vb. Teach, inf. &-c. R 300
&-c., prt. taucht, C 455, p.p.
techit, R 207, F 54.
Te(i)ching(e, sb. Teaching, instruc¬
tion, R 1803 dye.
Tel-, vb. Till, cultivate, pr. p. -and
F 57-
Tel(l, vb. Tell, inf. &c. R 243 &-c.,
p.p. ta(u)ld, R 267, 923, T 295.
Temp-, vb. Tempt, 3rd sg. -is
Ai 43. 75. 146-
Temporall, -ale, adj. Transient,
passing, A6 300, 534 ; earthly,
worldly, Ai 201 ; secular, lay,
Ai 48.
Tend-, vb. Attempt, 3rd sg. -is
R 1291.
Tent, sb. Heed; tak tent, pay
attention, R 137, D 274.
Teran, sb. Tyrant, pi. A6 350.
Cf. tyrand, R 1491.
Terandry, sb. R 92 = tyran[dr)y,
R 699, 1487, C 282.
Tetyll, sb. Title, R 1292. See note.
Thai, pron. pers. pi. They, R 7
dye., dye. ; thar(e, their, R 8 (S-c.,
dye., thare-self, themselves F
409, tharis, theirs, R 1552 ;
thaim, thame, them, R 23 dye.,
dye., thaim-self, themselves, F
371, 422, T 237, thaim-selwyn,
themselves, R 1173, 1565.
Thai, pron. dem. pi. Those, R 71
dye., dyC.
Thaim, thame, thaim-self, -selwyn,
pron. pers. See Thai.
Than(e, adv. Then, therefore, R 258
Thank, sb. Thanks, favour, T
307, Ai 150 ; in thank, grate¬
fully, F 206.
Than-jhit, adv. Nevertheless, R
1714. See 3it-than.
Thar, adv. There, R 134 &c. ; also
thar-about, -by, -eftir, -for{e, -fra,
-in, -of, -one, -tyll, -to, -wyth.
Thar(e, -self, tharis, pron. pers.
See Thai.
Thar-with-all, adv. Therewith, R
Theif, -ev-, sb. Thief, R 480 <S>c.,
pi. thevis, C 295.
Thewis, sb. pi. Personal qualities,
habits, traits (esp. moral), vir¬
tues, F 297, 303, 473, C 203,
T 2, 5, 206.
Thyne, adv. Thence, Ai 239.

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