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Oure inemyis ar cruell, inhumane and felloun, nowder brokin Fo. cxxx.
be hardnes of chevelrie, indegence, distreft nor ithand laubouris,
covetting abone mesure to be vindicate apoun aid iniuris,
nowder fering God, man, grevouft woundis, nor pe terribill
10 dede, sua pai may revenge the skaithis pai sufferit of lang
tyme be ws and pe Romane armye. Na difference of age nor
estate is amang pame considerit, bot rynnys euer in rage,
be innative furie without respect to clemence or meiknes,
and in place of fortitude, vsis furoure and tyrannye. Thay
bludy boucheouris ar reiosit vjith terribill swerdis or dartis
to slop the bodyis of febill, decreppit folkis, waik damoselh's,
or innocent childer, eschamyng nocht, quhare pai slay pare
inemye, to lape pe hate blude, quhilk perpetualie pai thrist.
And to conclude mekill with fewe wourdis, thay glore in na
thing sa mekill as in rubry, thift, blude and slauchter. Quhare-
fore sen sua is (pat be oure destanye we ar contrinit), owder
we mon bind pece with thir vnmercifull, schrewit inemyis,
or suffir intollerabil chargis at pare plesere. NocMwft/tstanding
20 pat I se clerelie how vnhonest and contemptibill pis pece
salbe to oure nacioun, ^it I think bettir to suffir pacientlie,
than extremely dispare to haue oure kinrik restorit and loift
oure landis, gudfs, seyn3orie and liberte with grete lak and m.l.t. 2H6
dishononr. My lordis, be cauft of pe commoun weill, fidelite,
lawte I aw to 30W, lufe of pis cuntre and nocht ellis has con-
strenit me schaw thir premysft. Giff pai be trewe or noc/zt,
gif pai may conduce to pe commoun weill or hurt pe samyn,
3e salbe iugis.” Quhen pe multitude present herd his intent,
in ire pai war commovit, and vehementlie detestit to bynd
pece with Scottis and Pichtis, contending pat he sade na
thing for pe weill of Britouns, and his colorit wourdis war
30 noc/zt to thame vnkend, how he tendit vsurp the croun of
Britan. Quhen pe barons certane tyme had kepit silence,
deploring amang pame self pare fortune, memorative how
caduke and ruynoft is al mortall estate, quhilkfs incresB
noc/zt sa haistelie as it fail3eis, pai war vincust be inportunite
of pe pepill ofttymes inclynyng to pe werst, commonlie con-
tempnyng sage and grave men geving gude counsell, and
concludit thay wald anarme pame for defence. Thay pro-

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