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foresaick's grete confluence at pe day appoyntit at Calidonewod Fo. osxvit
convenit, quhare pe confederate princis seing pe multitude,
glaidelie vsit diuerfi. persuasiouns to kindill thare curage to
bargane. In this sorte King Eugene made his exhortacioun :
“ Nocht ane of 3ow, maist douchty campiouns, quhilk diligentlie
perpendis the caift of ws and inemyis, may mysknaw pat we
aucht nocAt defer oure affaris langare. 30 se clerelie be how
mony harmes and myseryis, thir few 3em birvn, onr kinrik be
tyranny of Romanis has bene supprisit, quhen my fader, restorare
80 of pis realme, by infinite thowsandis of vtheris sorowis quhilk
we haue sufferit, was slane : Galloway, Carrik, Kile, Cunyng- Fo. cxxyhi.
hame, -with mony vthir regiouns of oure sene3eorie, to inemyis
war in pray. I think weill pat pe bated we straik contrare
Romanis, Britouns and pare chiftane Maximiane, was litill
piesing to ws, and to pame nocht vnskaithfull, and 3it be
evident signis I coniecture pis batell aduersare has nocht
aluterlie slakkit 3oure curage nor affrayit 30W fra the weris,
bot erare provokit 30W pareto. How mekle oure pussance
within pir few 3eris be pe Romane armye [has] bene afflictit, sa
10 mekil be fortune (drawand pame to fynale rewyne be haterent
and armyis of euery nacioun) pai ar supprisit. Ffor in all
partis of pe warld Romane provincis ar pray to inemyis.
Vandalis brukis Affrik ; Visigothis of pe west has optenit
Spane3e ; Ffrankis and Burgundiouns clamys be conquest na
litill parte of Gallia; Vngarie, Myse, Thrace, Macedone
and Illiric, to the Hunnys ar obeysant. All provincis of m.l.t. 238ft
pe orient owdir ar randerit to pe contrare parte of Romanis,
or has abiectit pe 3oik of seruitute and recouerit liberte and
fredome. Rome, vmquhile cheif and souerane of pe warld,
was twyift latelie takin be Gothis, twyift brocht to sak and
brynt. Schortlie the Romane estate is now cumin to pis
calamyte, pat of all pe grete Impire, pai ioift na thing by
Italic, except onelie Britan, almaist denwde of inhabitant's
20 be tyrannye of Maximyane. It is nowder stuffit with mwnicioun
nor garnisoun. Na Romane chiftane is present to raid, ane
armye, nor of pussance to collect pe samyn in the province,
almaist of all substance evacuate, nor 3it may resist to pe
strenth of ws and Pichtis, nor schore oure distructioun as

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