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or vthir partis, to wirk at ge mynch's for wynnyng of metall, i’o. cxvu.
to lauboure at ge querrell for stanys, and to mak materialis
for sa mony tyildzs as Was commandit. To thir iniuris adiectit
was ane vthir invencioun, to be weyit mare displesandlie,
excogitate for ge finale exterminacioun baith of ge realm
and pepill. Ffor, sone eftir thir scharp decretis, thay war
chargeit vnder pane of dede with wyffis, childer and gudfs,
remove be3ond ge ryvere of Forth and leif ge boundis of
Ordoluce, Dere, Siluria, Vicomage, (now Berwik, Merft,
Tevidale 5?, Carrik, Kyle ^, Striueliwgschire), Galloway,
Pichtland and grete parte of Calidon Wod, to be inhabit
with Romanis and Britons, obeying gare sene^eorie. Attoure
gai war commandit to cast ane brade and profound foussy
and be3ond ge sawmyn big ane strang dike, extendit fra
60 Abircorne endlang be the boundis of Glasgw to ge castell
of Alclud, (now Dounbritane), situate betuix ge mouth of
Levin and ge river of Clyid, fra ge est sey to ge west sey, to
devide ge kinrik of Britouns fra Pichtis. Gif ony Picht
transcendit the dike without licence of ge capitanis, it suld be
punyst as cryme of leift maieste. This decrete was proclamyt
at cowmand of Victorine throw ge realme. Be sa mony
intollerabill iniuris and vile seruitute Pichtis war sa anoyit,
gat vniuersalie thay plene3ete ge hard chance be gare avne
culpe incurrit, liftand gare ene towart ge hevin, besocht
AlmycAtj God he wald fra the pridefull domynioun of Romanis
deliuer ge pepill following his doctrine and lawis, iustlie for
gare demeritis punyst.

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