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Fo. cxv. quhen pai knewe be fugitivis all thingzs, how pai war be ordoure 40
done in Albioun, the king with his barouns consultit in place
pareto assignit, ffra rising of Phebus to declynyng of pe samyn,
be quhat craft or way to pe Romane army mycht be resistit,
and pe kinrik in Albioun mycht be restorit to Scottis, pare
m.l.t. 220 auld cousingzs and freyndfs. Quhen pai couth devise na sikkir
way nor remede, ffering mekill pe skaith of pare persouns and
realme, thay thocht best to trete for pece with Romanis and
for3ett all iniuris bipast. To perfurnis this mater, ambassia-
touris war direct to Maximws in Albion, and pai war first be
him scharplie blamyt that contrare Romanis and pare con-
federatis pai had send supple with inemyis to invaid Albion ;
and specially becaus onelie Ireland amang all vthir realmys 50
in pe warld, to pat day was vnfuljeit be the Romane armys ;
syne clementlie grantit to pame pece be thir condiciouns, pat
pai suld resaue nane inemyis of Romanis within pe realme
of Ireland in tyme cuming, nor suld fortify na nacioun pat
wald molest pe Romanis nor pare confederatis with weris ;
attoure pat nane Hibernienft suld in nwchandice cum in
Albioun pareeftir. Quhen pece be pir condiciouns and ane
sikkir band was made, the Hibernienft, moving na trubil in
Albioun, thareeftir contenit pame self in quyet. 56
Followis the vij buke of the historyis of Scottis.

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