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The power of Comane, Lugia and Marthan (now Cathnes, Fo. cxii.
Rosft and Mar) and pare complicis in pe richt wyng, quhare
Ethod was chiftane, tending to conqueft glore to pame and
pare chiftane, fuljeit Pichtis pare partie, and with grevous
woundfs draif pame bakwart to pe flude of Dwne. Quhen
pai attemptit paft pe furde, Scottis following slew of pame
grete nowmer, impeschit be slike and glar of pe river. Hereof
40 avancing pame pridefully, as pe victorie had bene clerelie
wyn and all had bene in securite, returnyng to pe spule^e,
be ane Romane legioun send fra Maximus to supple Pichtis
in sa extreme dangers pai war invadit at pe bak and almaist
ilkane slane. The Argatheles, Thelegonis, Siluris (now Argile,
Lennox, Kyle) and Gallowayis pat come to batell, be Britouns,
Gallis and Almanis with quham pai facht, eftir mekill slauchter
on apir parte, baldly ane quhile sustenyng pe stoure, fell
honestlie in feild in defence of pare liberte and kinrik. Than
pe haill Romane armye in ane grete rout ruschit with all
pare ordinance apoun pe myddilwarde, denwde of wyngfs,
quhare the king was fechtand with his nobillis almaist be
5° werynes ouresett. Sa lang as strenth remanyt Scottis resistit,
thinking pai suld nocht prefer schamefull fleing to vertew m.l.t. 2166
and honoure. Be sum parte of nobillis the king was counsalit
fle and salf his persoun, quhill bettir fortune occurrit, and
sum parte (quhen he obstinatelie refusit) attemptit tak him
fra pe feild be force. Nochttheles, abiecting princelie cog-
nissance he past amang pe futemen, quhare with sare woundis
he was brocht to dede. The maist parte of all Scottis nobillis
fell in pis vnchancie iournay, be exempill of pare prince
contempnyng pe dede, and obstinatelie detesting pe pridefull
sene3eorie of Romanis. In pis sorte King Eugenie loist his
liffe and kinrik, quhilk he broukit thre ^eris, neuer inexpert
of the aduersite of fortune. Ffra pis felloun plaig few men
60 evadit, and almaist na wemen. Quhil in pis wise pe armye of
Eugene was but mercy strikkin downe, the commouns depute
to kepe pe pal3eouns with licht hames and wapynnis alanerlie
in pare handis, as was pe aid custume of our nacioun, seand
samony wicht men slane, had in pare hartis miseracioun,
thinking pai suld nocAt liff eftir sa grete calamyte and myscheif;

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