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Ffor to Ffincormak of Scotland sending precioft and riche Fo. cnil.
giftis, he besocht him be ambassiatouris pat, for3etting all
40 offence, he wald stand in amyte with Britouns, quhilk had
expelht Romanis and abiectit the ^oik of thirllage ; and he
suld broke as afore Westmarland, Cumbirland and pe vthir
rowmys in Britane, be Carance vmquhile to King Craithlinth
gevin. In pe samyn sorte rewarding pe king of Pichtis,
according his magnificence, be ambassiatouris persuadit him
siclike. Quharethrow for pe mony preclare vertuoft vsit 2046
eftirwart, and for diligence to hald pece amang pe pepill, he
was comptit amang maist nobill princis. Quhen be diuerft
iupertyis of Romanis he had bene invadit and fochtin be
variabill fortune, ffinalie brokin and wery of batell, with
50 difficulte optenyng pece at Romanis, and deliuering to pame
castellis and mwniciouns, to lift at rest in his age, he pait
the tribute accustumyt to pe Romane procuratoure, and
be pe emprioure was sufferit perseuere in his dignite. Sua
quhen all was peciabill, Scottis, Pichtis, Britouns and Romanis
lifht at rest in Albion, quhil pe xvij 3ere of Constance and
Constantius, empnouris. Quhen Ffincormak, decorit be
mony vertwis, vail3eand in fatis of were, be lang contynuate
maladie ouresett be ane rewme and catar, deceissit, eftir
he had regnit in grete felicite xlvij 3eris, in pe 3ere of mannis
Saluacioun iijc Iviij. In pis tyme pe Catholic faith increscit
60 weill and was augmentit. How beit Arrius, preist of Alex¬
andria, of grete cimnyng (bot elongate fra vertewe and godlines),
be wrang interpretacioun of pe Scripture movit doutis in
pe samyn, denyand pat Criste oure Saluatoure was verray
God, equale Son and coeteme with pe Fader, tending he
suld be seperate fra his eternale substance. The bischoppis
of Egipt and Palestine resistit lang to his peruersite. Ffinalie
Cristianis, fering this venom suld spreid (ffor sum parte for
pe present to his doctryne assistit), optenit fra grete Con¬
stantine pat at Nicene suld be appoyntit ane generall counsell.
In quhilk, eftir lang disputacioun and deliberacioun mature
70 of ma pan iijc bischopis, be pare authorite pis cursit heresy
was condampnit, and decretit pat the Son suld be haldin
coetemale and coomnipotent to pe Fader. In pe samyn
vol. 1. Y

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