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detesting ge vnkyndelie discorde betuix freyndis and con- Fo. xcix.
20 federate pepill, wyislie gaif him to induce game to concorde,
affermyng aid affinite oftymes to ge commodite of ge pepill,
betuix princis and nobillis is renewit; lygis and bandis (howbeit
inemyis wald impell) ar nevir violate without grete hurt of
ge prince and pepill: thay suld remember how frequent weris
gai had togiddir vsit apoun Britouns and Romanis in defence
of gare liberte, sua gat iniuris to athir pepill done war repute
commoun to vthir ; and how euer to gat tyme amang game
Was sa mekill cherite, sic bandis of kyndenes and sa gude
mynde baith at hame and in weris, nane of thir premisft
suld draw game to sedicioun, bot erare to concorde and pece,
30 quhilk nocM alanerlie he, bot siclike euery gude Scott and
Picht regarding ge commoun weill, suld desire ; ffor suddane
slauchter movit be ane haisty brule^e, gai suld nocht con-
tinewe in weris, quhen nocM alanerlie it menit distructioun of
ane clan of regioun, bot ge haill rewyne and fall of athir kinrik ;
herefore owthir pece was to be renewit or haistelie to be
exponit to extreme perdicion; nocht alanerlie men bot vthir
beistis of gentill and meik ingyne abhorrit fra sic discorde ;
to pece baith humanite, beneuolence, faith, all lawis baith
of God and man vehementlie persuadit ; quharefore all m.l.t. 1976
iniuris suld be freyndlie amendit; pece be the princis, nobilh's
and pepill suld be cherist, without gai war determit to vndo
and annuli baith public and private glore and honoure. Be
40 the wordis of Carance and vtheris -present at ge meting, the
kingfs war persuadit of athir pepill to cheift foure, at quhais
plesere ge auld pece, be artikillis as afore be ane new band,
suld be roborate and gareeftir fermlie obseruit. Quhen this
was done, throw all the multitude viij men of authorite and
wisdome war chosin, quhilk sone eftir be menys and prudence
of Carance decemyt as the princis had devisit.

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