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314 THE mar lodge translation OF ' BOECE ’
Fo. xcv. noysum to kingis and the kinrik. Quhen in this sorte he
schew him oure crewell to his liegis and to pare hevy skaith
had prolongit his regnne nerrest xij jeris, abhorrit be game
as ane tyran, he passit to Innerlochte, tending to ge Ilis,
quhare be conspiratouris on the nycht he was slane. The
chefe of gir conspiratouris was Craithlinth (son of King Ffindok
foresaid), quhilk nocht lang eftir was made king. This Craith- So
Fo. xcvi. linth be counsell of his foster fader, dissymuling his kyn, was
accustumytin cumpany amang thekingfs servandis, be lang con¬
suetude acquentit with the king and to him familiare. Ffinalie
he had of him sic credit gat keparis at his plesure war chosin
to awate apoun his persoun. Quhen be mony giftis Craithlinth
had drawin diuerft of ge garde to his purpoift, he tuke occasioun
to conspire. Sua having oportunite, quhilk he awatit lang,
on ane nycht be caift -present with ge conspiratouris, alanerlie
drawand nere ge king, as to commoun with him familiarlie,
in chyare straik ane dagare throw his body. Departing syne 10
with the conspiratoMm fra ge chalmer, closing the portis
as ge king had bene left at rest, he went to the nobillis beside,
to quham he knewe ge domynacion of ge tyran was abone
mesure odioft, schewing how be his hand the mischeant prince
was secretelie slane ; tyme was (gif gai wald schaw game men)
to remove the tyrannye of Donald, resaue gare liberte and
eselie revenge aid iniuris. The barouns, memorative of supprisis
resauit during ge regne of ge tyran, made game sone to harnes.
Syne in ge dawing persewand the myn^eouns and counsalouris
of ge king, beleifhng na thing les gan ony mocioun of ge
pepill, quhare parte war nakit, parte makand for defence,
thay brocM game sone to dede. Off counsalouris to gis tyran 20
to ge nowmer of ijc war slane in gis brule3e. The remanent
m.l.t. 193 in myddis ge reill, toevade perrell, fled to Athole. Bot quhen
the kingfs slauchter was divulgate thay war all slane be
inhabitantis and vtheris, quhilkis, declynand ge tyrannye of
ge king, remanyt in Athole for the tyme. In gis sorte be
3ong Craithlinth, to quham the kinrik heretably pertenit eftir
ge tyran was removit, ge crowne to ge blude of Athirco was
restorit. Ffor quhen his foster fader be ge grete aith and
patent signis had declarit him the son of King Ffindok and

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