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Fo. lxxix. occasioun to call it the Wall of Severe. Bot following pe
opinioun of Romanis and Veremond, quhare we write of it
eftirwart we will call it pe Dike of Adriane, first begynnare of
pe sammyn. Quhen pe emprionr had dressit all his affaris
in pai partis as pe tyme requirit he departit to Westmorland
and fra thyne to Walis, becaus he herd pe heris pareof had 10
conspirit. Comprehending and punyssing pame with litill
lauboure, he repressit all sic mociouns. Ffra thyne he movit
towart Kentschire. Tarying at Londoun quhil pe barouns of
Britan convenit to pe Romane felicite to applawde, he resauit
pame plesandly, rewarding pame with riche giftzs pat fra
thyne furth pai repentit nocht pare subiectioun to Romanis.
Ffra Londoun but tary he passit to Gallia (now Ffranee),
having with him Lucius Anthenous legate, sare with infirmite
vexit be intemperance of pe Britan are, and in his place con¬
stitute Aulus VictorinMs legate. Victorine, eftir pe emprioure
departit, incontinent disponit stark power in all castellis and
strenthis nixt pe dike, quhilk latelie is remembrit, to stop pe
violence of Scottis and Pichtis fra molestacioun of inhabi- 20
tantfs pai boundfs. Quharethrow Britouns certane ^em liffit
at securite vnder pe Romane lawis. Scottis and Pichtis amang
pame dividit pe Britan landis waistit afore and assignit pe
est parte to Pichtis, the north and west partis to pe Scottis ;
syne appoyntit of new, aid fale^ete castellis and strenthis pat
war nere pe dyke, stuffing pame with garnisoun and mwnicions
m.l.t. 1686 to stop pe iniuris of Romanis and Britouns fra pe new inhabi-
tantis. Ffra thyne pe regne of Mogall was relevit fra domestic
and exterior weris. Bot how beit he conquest gloriofi victorie
apoun Romanis, lordis of all pe warld, he mycht nocht (bot
erare wald nocht) reule nor tempir him self, abone mesure vsing 30
lustis and plesuris, pat he grew to foule vicis and age baith
attanis ; he gaif him self to lustis and avarice in his age, pat
he eschamyt nowdffi of plane reif nor vthir inhoneste, abusand
elike pe wyiffis of nobillis and commouns. He wald planelie
revift and defoul wemen at his pleftowr, abstenyng nowder
fra wedois nor virginis. Attoure he pervertit all iustice, suffer¬
ing mysdoaris quhilkfs had owthir few gudis or nane, mak
reif and rubery without correctioun ; and gif men of substance

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