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maist parte be ansuerit. Quharefore to King Fferguft is Fo. xii.
to be returnit.
How King Fferguft beildit pe castell of Berigone;
how he passit in Ireland and in his retume at Crag-
fergus deceissit. Capit ix°
Regiouns, chiftanis, pepill and clannys being devidit, as m.l.t. 55
said is, and all put to gude poynt and rest, King Ffergus
30 gaif his mynde to haue his liegis instructit in bettir manaris,
and, to pe effect he suld mare fortunatelie procede, he maid
his begynnyng at iustice, quhilk of mannys estate is maist
faithfull president, without pe quhilk he knew weill societe
and kyndenes amang men mycM nocht growe, nor, be na sorte,
be permanent. Be him war devisit certane lawis in quhilkis
he defendit rubery, slauchter, hereschip and maist of all
cowmoun thift, becaus all gudis for pe tyme war left on pe
plane but keparis. He beildit pe castel namyt Beragone,
quhare he devisit iustice to be execute in Lowchabre, at pe
west parte of Albion forgane pe His, sua pat to pat place for
ministracion of iustice baith Insulanis and Albiane Scottis
mare eselie mycht convene. In ferme tranquillite and pece
with Pichtis and Britouns, he led pe residew of his dayis, em-
40 ploying all his powers pat his liegis in amyte and Concorde
suld increft. Ffinalie, be pe nobillis of Ireland being desirit
ane arbitoure, to remove be his authorite and counsell the
divisioun rasit at ane convencioun for chesing of ane king,
nocht alanerlie he dressit pai matens bot als removit all sic
discorde fra pe begynnyng. Off all his wardly curis and
affaris pis was pe last, ffor passing pe sey, quhilk devidis
Ireland fra Albioun, be violence of storme and contrare wynd
pe schip was drevin apoun rowkfs, quhare he deceissit eftir he
had regnit twenty and five jeris. To pis place was Crag-
ferguft gevin to name and sua is kepit be pe posterite. In
pis tyme amang Britouns Esdad gidit pe kinrik, and amang
Pichtis regnit Cruthne Camelon, quhilk beildit ane ciete in
Pichtland (now Lowthiane) apoun pe watter of Caron, and to 556

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