1508-1800 > Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

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298           The Deity of Jeſus Chriſt           Sect. IV

late on the manner how the apoſtles were
inſpired, as long and as much as they pleaſe;
but it will all be to no purpoſe, while it
remains a fact, that the apoſtles have ap-
plied to Chriſt, whether by way of alluſion,
or of accommodation, or otherwiſe, thoſe
oracles of the prophets which characterize
the true God. For if Jeſus Chriſt be not a
partaker of the Divine eſſence; if he be a
mere creature, to whom ſuch characters
cannot poſſibly belong; we muſt conſider
the apoſtles as betraying us into idolatry,
by impious witticiſms, and blaſphemous
applications of the prophetic Writings —
It neceſſarily follows, therefore, if the hypo-
theſis of our adverſaries be true, that the pro-
phets did not foreſee things as they were to
come to paſs; and that the apoſtles, either
did not underſtand the prophets, or they de-
ſigned to betray us into error; conſequent-
ly, that there is no harmony between the
Old Teſtament and the New.

                         SECTION V.

If Jeſus Chriſt be not the true God, neither the ancient Jewiſh,
nor the Chriſtian Religion, is attended with ſufficient Criteria
to diſtinguiſh it from impoſture.

                           CHAP. I.

The propoſition proved, in reſpect of the Jewiſh Religion.

IN order to prove the propoſition, it will
be proper to conſider, how God was plea-

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Scottish printing towns > 1508-1800 > Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ > (304) Page298
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Permanent URLhttps://digital.nls.uk/74618268
DescriptionDivinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Section V, Chap. I.
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Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
DescriptionA product of the first printing press set up in Montrose.
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DescriptionItems from the first printing press set up in a particular Scottish town or village between 1508 and 1800. May be the first item printed on that press or a later product from the same press that is more important. Includes the first book printed in Scotland, dated 4 April 1508.
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Scottish printing towns