
Here begynnys the may[i]ng or disport of Chaucer

Scottish printing towns > 1508-1800 > Here begynnys the may[i]ng or disport of Chaucer > (1) Title page - Mayng or Disport of Chaucer
(1) Title page - Mayng or Disport of Chaucer
Permanent URLhttps://digital.nls.uk/74457612
DescriptionThis is the first page of the book, with the title (here called The Mayng or Disport of Chaucer), the device of Walter Chepman, the publisher, incorporating his monogram WC, and some early 16th Century inscriptions.
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Here begynnys the may[i]ng or disport of Chaucer
DescriptionOne of nine black-letter tracts printed for Walter Chepman and Androw Myllar, bound together, with two other tracts, to form the volume known as "The Chepman and Myllar prints". Imprint (from colophon) reads: "Impre[n]tit in the south gait of Edinburgh be Walter Chepman and Androw Myllar, the fourth day of ap[r]ile the yhere of God .M.CCCCC. and viii. yheris [1508]".
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DescriptionItems from the first printing press set up in a particular Scottish town or village between 1508 and 1800. May be the first item printed on that press or a later product from the same press that is more important. Includes the first book printed in Scotland, dated 4 April 1508.
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Scottish printing towns