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This winter we must save fuel of every kind,
whether it be coal, coke, gas, electricity, oil or paraffin.
The war industries want
as much as they can get and
every pennyworth of fuel saved in the home means
more for the factory or the shipyards.
Here are some ways in which housewives can help.
Planning Meals.
Whenever possible, plan meals ahead so
that the most is made of oven space and the top of the stove.
Try and arrange with neighbours to share ovens. One day
one neighbour could cook two or three joints ; another day,
someone's milk pudding might be tucked into a not quite full oven,
or a cake baked while a casserole is slowly cooking. While you
are doing this, you are not just helping each other. You are
helping to keep the factories at full blast.
Get out of the habit of cooking a hot meal every day. Cold
food can still be warming food.
Never light up the oven for one cake or pudding ; arrange a
baking day.
the Oven.
On baking day use the oven for
cooking; meat, vegetables, pudding and cake. Don't be afraid of