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— 6s —
of the first category, with the exception of material acquired for the Government of the High
Contracting Party concerned.
Second Category.
Article 6.
The High Contracting Parties undertake to prohibit the sale of material of the second category
by any person not furnished with a licence issued by the proper authorities. The latter shall
only issue such licences to persons who can show that they belong to sporting associations recognised
by the competent authorities of the High Contracting Party concerned.
Article 7.
The High Contracting Parties undertake not to allow material of the second category to be
exported except by persons holding a licence issued by the competent authorities of the export¬
ing High Contracting Party. This licence must include an authorisation to import issued by
the Government which exercises sovereignty over the territory of destination.
Article 8.
Each High Contracting Party shall draw up authentic copies of the export licences referred
to in the two preceding articles with a view to the transmission of copies to the High Contracting
Party which exercises sovereignty over the territory of destination and to all the Governments,
whether of High Contracting Parties or not, through whose territory the material would have
to pass in transit. These copies must be despatched in sufficient time to enable the Governments
to supervise the transport of the material.
Third Category.
Article 9.
The High Contracting Parties undertake to exercise strict supervision over the national and
international traffic in arms of the third category and to take all necessary measures to prevent
illicit stocks and traffic.
Article 10.
With the above object in view, the High Contracting Parties undertake:
To provide for close co-operation among the respective national administrations and
between these administrations and the international office referred to in Article 2;
To institute a system of registration and licences which shall make it possible at any time
to trace arms which are in the possession of individuals;
To communicate to each other and to the international office referred to in Article 2 any
information calculated to facilitate this control.
Article n.
The High Contracting Parties undertake to apply to arms in the third category the regime
laid down in Articles 7 and 8 of the present Convention in regard to arms of the second category.
General Provisions.
Article 12.
The High Contracting Parties undertake to assist each other mutually in bringing to light
any infractions of the rules of this Convention. They recognise in advance the jurisdiction of
the Permanent Court of International Justice for any international investigations concerning
negligence or connivance on the part of a Government administration concerned with these
matters. They further undertake to impose penalties of a uniform character on their nationals
(individuals, associations or firms) who may be found guilty of violating the national laws passed
in execution of the provisions of the present Convention. These penalties shall be codified by
common agreement between the national administrations, and the code shall appear as an annex
to the present Convention.
Article 13.
The present Convention shall come into force when it has been ratified by four of the
States mentioned in the Covenant of the League of Nations as permanent Members of the
Council and by sixteen other States. The international office referred to in Article 2 shall be
organised by the Belgian Government as soon as the Convention has been thus ratified.
Article 14.
The duration of the present Convention shall be for fifteen years. It shall remain in force
for all States which have not notified the international office of their intention to denounce
it two years before the expiration of the above period, unless, as a result of successive denun¬
ciations, the number of High Contracting Parties shall have been reduced to ten, including
two of th? nations entitled, under the Covenant, to be permanently represented on the Council.

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