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Annexe an rapport sur les travaux
du Comite economique.
Annex to the Report on the work of the
Economic Committee.
Les soussignes, dument autorises, decla-
rent accepter, au nom des pays qu'ils repre-
sentent, les dispositions suivantes :
1. Chacun des Etats contractants recon-
nait la validite, entre parties soumises res-
pectivement a la juridiction d’Etats con¬
tractants differents, du compromis ainsi que
de la clause compromissoire par laquelle les
parties a un contrat s’obligent, en matiere
commerciale on en toute autre matiere sus¬
ceptible d’etre reglee par voie d’arbitrage par
compromis, a soumettre en tout ou partie
les differends qui peuvent surgir dudit con¬
trat, a un arbitrage, meme si ledit arbitrage
doit avoir lieu dans un pays autre que celui
a la juridiction duquel est soumise chacune
des parties au contrat.
Chaque Etat contractant se reserve la
liberte de restreindre Fengagement vise ci-
dessus aux contrats qui sont consideres
comme commerciaux par son droit national.
L’Etat contractant qui fera usage de cette
faculte en avisera le Secretaire general de
la Societe des Nations aux fins de communi¬
cation aux autres Etats contractants.
2. La procedure de 1’arbitrage, y compris
la constitution du tribunal arbitral, est
reglee par la volonte des parties et par la
loi du pays sur le territoire duquel 1’arbi-
trage a lieu.
Les Etats contractants s’engagent a faci-
liter les actes^de procedure qui doivent inter-
venir sur leur territoire, conformement aux
dispositions reglant, d’apres leur legislation,
la procedure d’arbitrage par compromis.
3. Tout Etat contractant s’engage a assu¬
rer 1’execution, par ses autorites et confor¬
mement aux dispositions de sa loi nationale,
des sentences arbitrates rendues sur son ter¬
ritoire en vertu des articles precedents.
The undersigned, being duly authorised,
declare that they accept, on behalf of the
countries which they represent, the following
1. Each of the Contracting States recog¬
nises the validity of an agreement whether
relating to existing or future differences
between parties subject respec ively to the
jurisdiction of different Contracting States
by which the parties to a contract agree to
submit to arbitration all or any d fferences
that may arise in connection with such
contract relating to commercial matters or
to any other matter capable of settlement
by arbitration, whether or not the arbi¬
tration is to take place in a country to whose
jurisdiction none of the parties is subject.
Each Contracting State reserves the right
to limit the obligation mentioned above to
contracts which are considered as commercial
under its national law. Any Contracting
State which avails itself of this right will
notify the Secretary-General of the League
of Nations, in order that the other Contract¬
ing States may be so informed.
2. The arbitral procedure, including the
constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, shall
be governed by the will of the parties and by
the law of the country in whose territory
the arbitration takes place.
The Contracting States agree to facilitate
all steps in the procedure which require
to be taken in their own territories, in
accordance with the provisions of their law
governing arbitral procedure applicable to
existing differences.
3. Each Contracting State undertakes to
ensure the execution by its authorities and
in accordance with the provisions of its
national laws of arbitral awards made in its
own territory under the preceding articles.

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