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[Communicated to the Council
and the Members of the League.]
Official No.: C. 182. M. 128.1937.II.B.
Geneva, March 20th, 1937.
Committee for the Study of the Problem of Raw Materials
The Committee met at Geneva on Monday, March 8th.
Its programme was laid down for it by the resolution passed by the Assembly at its meeting
on October 9th, 1936,2 in the following terms:
" The Assembly,
'‘Considering that the time has now arrived when discussion of and enquiry into the
question of equal commercial access for all nations to certain raw materials might usefully
be undertaken with the collaboration of the principal States, whether Members or non-members
of the League, having a special interest in the matter:
“ Decides to request the Council, when it thinks fit, to appoint a Committee composed,
in suitable proportions, of members of the Economic and Financial Committees of the League
of Nations together with other qualified persons, irrespective of nationality, to undertake
the study of this question and report thereupon;
“ Recognises that the choice of the raw materials to be considered should be at the
discretion of the body thus appointed;
“ Believes that the participation in the work of the Committee of nationals of the non¬
member as well as Member States specially interested would be desirable;
“ Suggests that the Council should give attention to this consideration in reaching
its decision;
" And instructs the Secretary-General to communicate the present resolution to the
Governments of non-member States.”
1 In attendance at the first meeting which took place March 8th to 12th, 1937:
M. W. Stucki (Chairman), Ministre plenipotentiaire, D^legue du Conseil federal pour le Commerce exterieur,
Membre du Comit6 £conomique;
M. Max-Leo Gerard (Vice-Chairman), Ancien Ministre des Finances de Belgique;
Le Lieutenant-Colonel Thomaz Fernandes, Conseiller economique au Ministere des Affaires etrangdres du
Le Professeur J. van Gelderen, Chef de Division du Departement des Colonies aux Pays-Bas;
Mr. Henry F. Grady, Professor of International Trade at the University of California, former Chief of the
Division of Trade Agreements, Department of State, Member of the Economic Committee;
M. Ivar Hogbom, Professeur de geographic economique a 1’Ecole des Hautes Etudes commerciales de
Stockholm ;
Sir F. W. Leith-Ross, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Chief Economic Adviser to H.M. Government in the United
Kingdom, Member of the Economic Committee;
M. F. Maurette, Sous-Directeur du Bureau international du Travail;
Le Dr Joao Carlos Muniz, Consul general du Brasil a Geneve;
Le Dr Vilem Pospisil, Ministre plenipotentiaire de Tch^coslovaquie, Membre du Comite financier;
Mr. Alfred Rive (in substitution for Mr. Norman A. Robertson), Secretary at the Delegation of Canada in
M. Gonzalo Robles, Expert en questions 6conomiques au Mexique;
M. Adam Rose, Sous-Secretaire d’Etat au Minist&re de ITndustrie et du Commerce, President de la Com¬
mission interministerielle polonaise des matieres premieres;
M. Boris Rosenblum, Directeur au Commissariat du Peuple pour les Affaires 4trang£res, Agreg4 de ITnstitut
d’economie et de politique mondiales, Membre du Comite economique;
M. Y. Shudo, Attach^ commercial a I’Ambassade du Japon a Berlin, Membre du Comitd 6conomique;
Sir Henry Strakosch, Union Corporation Ltd., Member of the Financial Committee.
2 Document A.79.1936.II.B.
S.d.N. 1.810 (F.) 1.785 (A.). 3/37. Imp. Kundig.

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