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" Then, I suppose, the game consisted in determining what colour predominated
in the ball 1"
" Yes," replied the Frog, " but I don't think it was determined."
" And did they all mark it ?" I asked.
" Oh ! no ; several of them let it pass without touching it."
" How were the circles made 1"
"By means of little markers, which they called their ' opinions.'"
" Then probably those who did not touch the ball, had no markers."
" Perhaps so," said the Frog, " or if they had, they kept them concealed. But
I must tell you that the ball had another name, for you must know this game can
be played with various other things, and they are all called ' subjects.' I saw a ticket
attached to the ball, and on it I read those words, ' The character of O—v—r
C—m—1 !' "
" Pray Froggie," I said, suddenly, " What was the original colour of this strange
How the small creature laughed ! as it replied, "I don't know ; dubious, I
should think, dubious all along ! And now," it continued, sinking its voice to a
mysterious whisper (for which I could see no reason), " I am about to tell you an
extraordinary fact (as if my poor head had not received enough for one day), whether
it was fancy or not I cannot say, but from my hiding-place I distinctly saw a vapour of
a bluish colour wreathing about in fantastical forms like smoke. Now it was above,
now it was around, now it was between the animals. How it encircled the horns
of the noble stag, how it played about the mane of the horse ! And I beheld all this
with wonder and trembling." Evidently the Frog expected me to tremble at the recital,
or at least, my hair to stand on end; but alas ! for my insensibility, I was laughing !
" At last the meeting broke up," continued my small companion, resuming its
usual tone, " and, accompanied by the Bull-dog, I returned home."
" Was your resolution not to join the noble company, unshaken by all you
had witnessed?" I inquired.
" Not a bit," replied the Frog. " What am I but a Frog ? How absurd to
put me on a par with these great animals ! Besides, the vapour ! "
" I fancy this is the danger to which you before alluded 1" said I.
" Yes," replied the Frog, " I knew it was somehow or other connected with
the Island of Literature. With fancy's eye I saw it surrounding the Palace of
Attemptation, suiTounding each builder as he progressed with his work, and im¬
parting its strange hue to all.

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