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sigh. (Pray don't laugh, reader, do you not think Frogs have their troubles in this
â– world 1) I enquired the reason of the sigh.
"It grieves me to think," replied the Frog, "how little I am acquainted with
the beauties of this Island of Literature."
" Surely you are not to blame for that," said I, " the Island is, I presume, very
large, and you are such a little creature, it must take you a very long time to traverse
even a small portion of it."
" True," said the Frog, " but if I had not been so indolent, I might have known
much more about it than I do."
" But the poisons."
" Oh ! it only requires a little caution to keep out of harm's way; but, to be
sure, there is another danger which I might have encountered." And here the Frog
croaked again in that peculiar manner I have before alluded to; undoubtedly it was
meant for laughter, for the small creature had a very roguish look.
"And what was that?" I asked, when the mirth had subsided.
" Nay, I am not going to tell you what tJiai danger was ; you will discover it
for yourself in the course of my story."
" I will try, pray go on Froggie" (we were getting familiar), and the Frog went on.
" You must know that those mansions, of which I have been speaking, were
built, at least for the most part, by the 'Lords of' Creation.' I say, for the most part,
because, no doubt, though you may think it strange, animals inferior have rendered
great assistance in the erection of these edifices.
" Stay," I interrupted, for I was not sure in what sense the Frog used the term
"Lords of Creation" " by ' animals inferior' you mean beasts, do you ? "
" Yes," said the Frog, " but I wUl call them animals, if you please."
I could not see the reason of this nice distinction, but I did not say so, and the
Frog continued. " One day, the astonishing news reached my ears, that the animals
had concerted together to build a Palace on the Island of Literature, which was to be
entii-ely of their own erection." The Frog laid a strong emphasis on its three last
words, and then paused for a moment or two, to let me recover from the effect of
such a stupendous announcement.
" A bold plan," said I.
" Yes," rejoined the Frog, " and yet it was executed. When I first heard about
it, the work had been begiin, and was going on favourably."
" And with which of the animals did this plan origiuate ?" I asked.
" With one who has superintended the work since its commencement, and will,

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