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The working of the establishment during the past year has been attended with marked
success, as 48,562 children have been operated on, showing an increase in the past over the
preceding year of 8,861.

This increase I attribute to greater activity on the part of the vaccinators, and to the
assistance they have received from the Collectors of Poona, Sholapore and Khandeish, who,
with much consideration, have granted, as a temporary measure, a peon to accompany each
vaccinator. In the Collectorate of Nuggur, peons were given on the payment of Rupees five
(5) per month for each. In the Tannah Collectorate no peons were granted. This aid was
only granted during the months of November and December, but the increase was at once
perceptible compared with the returns of the previous month, those of November exceeded by
over 900, and in December they still further increased by 1,800 cases. The average number
per month previously being 3,500.

There can be no question of the benefit which will result on peons being permanently
sanctioned. The great object gained thereby will be the time saved in collecting children for
the vaccinators. They will likewise prove a check, in some degree, to false returns of
numbers being sent in, and my experience proves that the presence of a peon with each vacci-
nator imparts confidence rather than intimidation. In fact, amongst the very poorer classes, a
peon represents the Sircar, and they feel security in any undertaking when a Government
peon is present, and in their eyes in a measure responsible.

But perhaps the principal cause to which the increased work of last year may be ascribed,
is a method I adopted of arranging personally for the vaccination of children in the
districts through which I passed. After having first inspected the work and registers of the
vaccinator, and satisfied myself as to the quality of his lymph, my plan was to proceed in
advance, visit all villages and towns, and collect all the children of each. With the help of the
patell, and kulkurnee, a list of all unvaccinated children was made out, signed, and forwarded
to the vaccinator who would subsequently follow. Thus a double object was effected. The
old excuse resorted to regarding opposition offered by the people, or scarcity of subjects, was
at once done away with, and from my knowledge of the numbers ready for vaccination, I was
in a position to judge whether each man performed a fair amount of work. Time was saved
also, the vaccinator was not obliged to delay, for immediately on visiting each village all
necessary preliminary arrangements had been made. This method was attended with excel-
lent results. The returns of several of the most indolent men became nearly trebled.

The average number of persons vaccinated by each man was 1,566, or at the rate of 130
operations per month, I have every reason to expect that on the permanent establishment of
peons this number will become largely increased.

The Bheel tribe, who formerly were the most violent opponents, now readily accept vaccina-
tion, and except in the very wildest parts of the Satpooree hills and western districts of
Khandeish they offer no resistance. It is my intention to visit these districts as early as
possible. Mr. Ashburner, the present Collector, has rendered me every assistance, and
vaccination has never been attempted as yet amongst these wild races. I anticipate but little
difficulty, as with these people it is only ignorance and not bigotry which has to be overcome.

The number of children, under one year old, vaccinated was 6,152, a comparatively small
percentage, being 12.51 of the whole, or in other words, every seventh person was operated
on during infancy. This was exactly in the same proportion as last year. The people have
an extreme aversion to have their children meddled with before they are able to walk, unless
compelled; they never take them out of doors during infancy, and no persuasion will induce

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