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46.     Samples of bone-meal, hides and bristles intended for export
were tested for Anthrax Bacilli and other pathogenic organisms.

47.     Auto-vaccines were prepared and used in the College Hospital.
Horse and buffalo blood were supplied to the Imperial Serologist and
others and morbid materials to scientific workers.

48.     All requisitions for sera, etc., from Calcutta and the mufassal
were promptly attended to. During the year 425,350 doses of anti-
rinderpest serum, 20,086 doses of anti-hæmorrhagic septicæmia serum,
2,366 doses of anti-anthrax serum, 305 doses of mallein, 7 doses of
tuberculin and 100 doses of black quarter were supplied.

49.     Slides   showing various infective diseases of animals and
specimens and  charts of well-bred cattle were sent out. to the district
fairs, etc., for  exhibition and demonstration with the aid of a magic

          Epizootic Diseases of Animals Department in Calcutta.

50.     All stables in the Calcutta Glanders area, extending from
Barrackpore to Matiaburuz and the town of Howrah, were regularly
inspected by the Inspectors.

51.     Altogether, 98 horses were seized under the Glanders and
Farcy Act, against 120 of last year. Of these, 14 were destroyed for
Glanders, 10 died of Glanders, one died of Surra and one died of
Epizootic Lyphanzities and the remaining 71 were discharged as free
from any of the diseases scheduled under the Act. There was an
outbreak of Glanders in the Municipal Gowkhana of Howrah and in
the Sodepore Pinjrapole. Prompt action was taken to stamp out the

52.     Rupees 75 were given as compensation for 2 horses destroyed.

53.     During the year under review, Calcutta and its suburbs were
practically free from Rinderpest. This disease broke out in a mild
form in the Howrah Municipal Gowkhana and the Sodepur Pinjrapole.
Prompt action was taken by this Department to check the disease.

54.     During the year, 1,075 cattle were inoculated against Rinder-
pest by the Glanders staff, as against 1,334 of last year.

55.     The sale proceeds of serum locally, in addition to inoculation
fees, amounted to Rs. 1,137-5-6, as against Rs. 4,808-7 realised last

56. During the period of closure of the Presidency Remount
Depot, 672 horses, 11 cows, 1 calf and 1 bull were inspected by the
Inspectors of this Department on boardship prior to their landing at
the port of Calcutta. No clinical symptoms of any of the scheduled
diseases were found.

57. During the year under report, two of my old and experienced
Inspectors were sick for the major portion of the year and both of
them, Messrs. A. P. Bagshi and A. T. Biswas, died in harness.


       The 1st July 1927.

                                                                A. D. MACGREGOR, I.V.S.,

                                                        Principal, Bengal Veterinary College.

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