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Veterinary Inspector Maung Tun Baw, who retired in December, had com-
pleted thirty-five years' service. Like all these older men (who are now unfortu-
nately diminishing in number) he was most zealous in his desire to benefit culti-
vators and cattle alike,*and his personal influence with villagers in districts under
his charge ensured a large measure of success in his work. By his retirement
the Department has lost a very hard-working and energetic man. Veterinary
Inspectors Maung Nge, Mônywa, and Maung Shwe ThaU, Akyab, have received
special mention by Deputy Commissioners for their work during the year.
Maung Kyaw, who, it is regretted to say, will shortly retire, has, in spite of
advancing years, been an example in zeal and energy to the whole Depart-

It is most gratifying to read the commendations of District Officers in
general on the work of Veterinary Assistants in their charge, and this feeling is
only tempered by the knowledge that in too many cases while District Officers
and Veterinary Assistants were doing all in their power to fight disease and
requests for extra assistance were urgent, it was found impossible to at once
accede to their demands. The need is more than ever felt for an adequate
reserve, as appreciation of the work of Assistants has increased and Deputy
Commissioners find it difficult to spare men from fixed charges for work else-
where. The number in the reserve during the year was only 3, and it is not
a matter for surprise that their services were fully engaged.

The following Veterinary Assistants have been given special mention by
District Officers for good work :—Maung Win, Moulmein, Maung Tha Dun,
Bassein, Maung Sein Bwin, Thabaung, Maung Po Tun, Minbu, and Maung Po
Saung, Salin, while the efforts of Maung Thwe, Shwegyin, Maung Mya Maung,
Yandoon, Maung Kha, Danubyu, Maung Thaw, Ngathainggyaung, Maung Po
Kyi, Pauk, Maung Ngwe Sein, Gangaw, Maung Po Shin, Bhamo, Maung Thaw
Wa, Sinlunkaba, Maung U Pe, Shwegu, Maung Ba Thein, Myinmu, Maung Po
Lwin, Sagaing, Maung Po Hnyin, Banmauk, Maung Gyi (1), Mônywa, Maurg
We Hpyo, Yinmabin, and Maung Po Kyin. Yinmabin, have also received notice.
In the Shan States the need for an adequate staff to deal with epidemics of
contagious diseases has been brought into evidence in recent years. The preva-
lence of disease in Burma is largely influenced by the condition of affairs in the
Shan States. The Superintendent, Northern Shan States, appreciates highly the
work of Veterinary Assistant Maung Tha Dun Zan (now under training as
Inspector) who was sent to Hsipaw on special duty and would like to have him
posted permanently to the States, and in this connection he states, "the present
system under which Shans are being trained atTaunggyi as Veterinary Assistants
will not supply the number of Assistants required in the Northern Shan States
for many years. Maung Tha Dun Zan was in Hsipaw for some months. He
was popular with the people and appeared 10 be a belter stamp of Assistant than
has usually been sent. The Sawbwa would like to have him posted perma-
nently to Hsipaw. If this officer is promoted Inspector the Sawbwa is willing
to pay the pay and allowances to which an Inspector is entitled. I have no hesi-
tation in strongly urging the posting of Maung Tha Dun Zan permanently to
Hsipaw. The proper work of the Veterinary Staff is as much to educate the
people in ordinary Veterinary Sanitation as anything else, and it is in times when
disease is quiescent that this work can be best done. The importance to Burma
of such work in a border State like Hsipaw.cannot be overstated."

The Superintendent and Political Officer, Southeѓn Shan States, notes in
connection with the Veterinary School, Taunggyi, " I am not aware of the reason
for limiting the number of pupils to four ; if the Instructor is able to train more it
seems a pity that he should not do so. The period of training is only eighteen
months and several of the Chiefs could be induced to pay for the support of
pupils if Government stipends are not available for all."

With regard to the Momeik State the Deputy Commissioner, Mog6k, writes
as follows:—

"I think Momeik State should have a Veterinary Assistant to itself with
headquarters at Momeik. The State has been very severely hit by the
epidemic noted, and as it is difficult of access at any time and it takes so long

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