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and mouth disease in the Kaira District and an outbreak of Charbon sympto-
matique in the Panch Maháls. There were. 133 cases of Gloss anthrax, of which
99 died and Charbon Symptomatique attacked 18 animals, all of which died. In
addition to the dispensary work he collected information in connection with
horse breeding. His work has been satisfactory.


86. Veterinary Graduate J. K. Bhat inspected on the 7th November
1904. The total number of animals treated was 3,548
as against 3,335 last year. Out of this number 1,031
were horses, 1,517 cattle, 294 sheep and goats, 518 dogs, 17 camels, 130 asses,
24 birds, and 17 others. The daily average attendance was 93.3 as against 84.0
last year. The Veterinary Graduate visited the weekly cattle market on every
Friday and was always particular to see if there was any animal affected with
a contagious disease, but fortunately he found no such animal in the market.
He inspected in this way about 20,000 animals during the year. He visited the
Government stallions at Ahmedabad once or twice a week usually and as often
as was necessary at other times, assisted in the preparation for the Ahmedabad
Horse Show and the classification of the exhibits, etc., visited the local
Pinjrapole once a week, and its branch at Ranchorda, which contains about 3,000
animals, was visited twice. He paid two visits to a suspicious case of disease in
the Ahmedabad Cantonment, visited three villages for an outbreak of Gloss-
Anthrax, paid 168 visits to owners' houses, and gave opinion in the case of 144
animals as to food, age, work, pregnancy, etc. He treated animals belonging to
the Municipality, Mounted Police, the Lunatic Asylum, and the Agricultural
Farm. He inspected about 300 horses belonging to the public land conveyance of
the City and the Cantonment. Voluntary donations were received to the
amount of Rs. 250 as against Rs. 256 last year. No indent for European
medicines was submitted this year also as Rs. 121-13-0 were spent out of the
last year's donation of Rs. 200 in purchasing medicines locally. The Veterinary
Graduate prepared and collected at his own expense specimens of different kinds
of shoes for horses and bullocks in order to instruct the farriers and owners of
animals for shoeing in health and disease. Mr. Bhat's work continues to be
very satisfactory.

Work done by the Special Assistant to the Superintendent, Mr, Buxy, G. B. V. C.

37.    Mr. Buxy travelled in all 6,198 miles by rail, and 1,524 miles by road,
as against 12,497 and 2,660 respectively last year. He visited the districts of
Poona, Sholápur, Sátára, Bijápur, Thána, Surat, Broach, Ahmedabad, and the
Panch Maháls, either in connection with outbreaks of cattle disease or to collect
information relating to cattle breeding. He attended the annual Cattle Pair at
Mhasa, Thána District, visited the Chharodi Cattle Farm, collected specimens
of "Black quarter" for despatch to the Imperial Bacteriologist at Muttesar,
and treated the Government stallion "Faran" at Sholápur. He also attended
with the Superintendent the Cattle Fairs held at Mhaswad (Sátára District) and
at Sholápur. At Mhaswad he made all arrangements regarding the classification
of exhibits, etc., as the Mámlatdár and his staff, not knowing what was required,
had done nothing before he arrived there. Mr. Buxy toured in the districts
of Poona, Broach and Surat in connection with cattle breeding and was to have
toured in the districts of Sátára, Belgaum, Bijápur, and Dhárwár in March, but
owing to illness the latter had to be postponed to a future date. He has done
very useful work-during the year.

                                    Expenditure of the Department.

38.    The information on this head has been supplied by the Accountant
General, Bombay, in the prescribed form. It will be seen from Table XIV-A
that the total expenditure of the Civil Veterinary Department in the Bombay
Presidency during the year under report amounted to Rs. 192,531 of which
Rs. 45,003, being the salaries of officers, were debited to the Imperial Funds,
Rs. 83,212 were paid from Provincial Funds, and the balance (Rs. 64,316) was
charged to Local Funds. It may be noticed here that a contribution of
Rs. 1,000 was made by the Government of India towards prizes to be awarded
at Cattle Fairs in this Presidency, but the amount has not been shown by the
Accountant General in Table XIV-A, column 2, against entry No. 10. From

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