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(39) No. 100-9. -

                                             No. 100-9.


                                                Office of the Superintendent, C. V. D.,
                                                                  Baluchistan and Sind

                                                                  Dated 12th July 1904.



                                                                                                     Bombay, Poona.

                             (Through the Commissioner in Sind.)


I have the honour to submit, for your information, the Annual Administra-
tion Report, Provincial of the Civil Veterinary Department in Sind, for the
official year 1903-1904.

2. Major H. M. Maxwell was in charge of the Department for the full

                                                    I have the honour to be,


                                             Your most obedient Servant,

                                                  W. O. DAWSON, Captain,

                                        In charge of the office of Superintendent,

                                                            Civil Veterinary Department,

                                                                           Baluchistan and Sind.

                                   No. G.-196 OF 1904

                                                       GENERAL DEPARTMENT.

                                                            Commissioner's Office,
                                                            Karáchi, 22nd July 1904.


2.    The report contains little that is of interest. There is not a word to
show even what the Superintendent thinks of the efficiency of the three
veterinary graduates and the work done at their Dispensaries. I have not yet
had time to learn much about the working of these institutions. But the
reputation of Mr. Haji and of the excellence of his Dispensary had reached me
before I came to the Province. The numbers treated at Karachi seem to bear
out that reputation. Those at Naushábro are deplorably small. It might have
been expected that the assistant in charge being an itinerating graduate would
have succeeded in treating more animals in the villages.

3.    The result of Captain Maxwell's visits to the cattle-breeding centres
has not been communicated to me, so that it is impossible for me to surmise
what benefit will result from them.

4.    As at present advised I consider that the thing required for Sind is to
increase the number of veterinary dispensaries and veterinary assistants. For
this, however, considerable aid will, I expect, be required from Provincial
revenues. The Local Boards are far from wealthy, and cannot afford to spend
much money on these Dispensaries, useful though they may be. The matter
will be gone into in the touring season and definite recommendations will be
made to Government.

                                                                  J. W. P. MUIR-MACKENZIE,

                                                                           Commissioner in Sind.

B 411—8

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