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According to Mr. G. Taylor it will take a long time before the influence
of the merino blood will become generally apparent on the wool owing to the
difficulty in getting the people to use the rams systematically Where this is
done the improvement is very marked indeed. We have two examples of this
in Ferozepore District, in the flock of the Mamdote Estate and that belonging
to Haji Muhammad Bakhsh of Chak Sokar. The latter has been very success-
ful due entirely to his personal interest in the matter.

Reports by the Cawnpur Woollen Mills on the wool are encouraging
indeed, but it will be some time before the improved wool can be produced in
sufficient quantity to realise its full commercial value.

                                            IV.—FAIRS AND SHOWS.

Fairs and shows—Tables XIII and XIV.

31. The statistical information regarding Horse and Cattle fairs and
shows is incorporated in Tables XIII and XIV.
Horse fairs were held in five districts and cattle
fairs in 20 districts.

The following statement shows the number of horse and cattle fairs and
shows attended by the officers of the department during the year under re-
port :—

Attending officer.

Horse fairs
or shows.

Cattle fairs
or shows.


Chief Superintendent, Civil Veterinary
Department, Punjab.



*Five on behalf of
Army Remount De-

Superintendent, Civil Veterinary De-
partment, North Punjab.



Superintendent, Civil Veterinary De-
partment, South Punjab.



†Two on behalf of Army
Remount Department.

Officiating Superintendent, Civil Veteri-
nary Department, South Punjab.



Deputy Superintendent, Civil Veteri-
nary Department.



Officer under training ... ...




Cattle insurance.

32.Six Cattle Insurance Societies were formed in the Jullundur and
Rohtak Districts. So far the societies are work-
ing satisfactorily, and the outlook seems promis-
ing, but a definite opinion cannot however be formed until they have worked
for at least a year.

A Veterinary Assistant of this department has recently been deputed,
for a period of 2 years, to work as an Inspector, Cattle Insurance Societies, and
it is hoped that his demonstrations will help the expansion of the societies in
the province.

Part IV.—Establishment.

Numerical strength—Table VII.

33.The total strength of the subordinate veterinary staff remained the
same as last year, but the total number working
during the year was 162 only, viz.

Veterinary Inspectors ...



... 18

Do. Assistants ...



... 144

War services of the Sub.Staff.

34.The fact that at the close of the year there were 1 Veterinary in-
spector and 36 Veterinary Assistants working in
the military department shows that the work of
the department has been considerably handicapped by the war.

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