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                  The merino sheep, probably owing to the unusual quantity
                        of fatty matter in its wool, is specially liable to scab,
                        and probably the merino element in the farm sheep
                        was responsible for the difficulty experienced in eradi-
                        cating it.
                  The sheep have now all been dipped four times, and at
                        present there is no sign of any return of the disease.

      (h) Equine Contagious Abortion.—This disease has been the cause of
            serious loss to mule and donkey-breeding during the year.
                  Fourteen pony and 4 donkey mares are known to have
                        aborted during the year, probably all from this cause.
                        As a rule abortion from this cause occurs at an early
                        stage in pregnancy, when the fœtus is very small, and,
                        as usually the act is absolutely unaccompanied by
                        symptoms, undiscovered cases may have occurred on
                        the grazing grounds and constituted one of the factors
                        in the continuance of the disease.
                  Strict measures of segregation and disinfection have been
                        carried out in all discovered cases. One donkey and
                        one pony mare which had aborted were sent to the
                        Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory with a view to
                        experiments being made in the elaboration of a protec-
                        tive vaccine against the disease.

7. Table XVI shows the changes in the Farm stock during the year.

The following details are of interest:—

      Herd Bulls.—Three young bulls entered during the year are very pro-
            mising. One herd bull was sold to a private breeder in the

      Supernumerary Bulls.—The following were issued during the year:—

To Punjab District Boards ... ... ...


To Saharanpore Remount Depôt... ... ...


Total ... ...


      Male Produce.— Good grazing since last rains has improved these
            animals, but some born at times of great scarcity are likely to
            remain stunted. Five were sold to the United Provinces—
            Muttra Farm.

      Cows have been maintained at full strength throughout the year,
            an are now in excellent condition.

      Heifers suffered more from famine than any other farm stock,
            but the younger animals have recovered well, and there will be
            a large number of high class surplus animals for sale during the
            next few years unless it is decided to increase the herd of cows.
            A considerable number of slightly undersized animals were
            sold by auction at very unremunerative prices owing to
            the lack of local demand.
            Eight were sold to the United Provinces.
            Twenty-five to a private breeder in the Punjab.

      Calves.—Eight hundred and forty-four were born during the year.
            Those born after the cows had recovered from the hot weather
            fodder famine are very promising.

      Bullocks.—One hundred and twenty-one Siege Train Bullocks were
            issued to the Military Department. Two were sold to the Canal

      Mules.— Forty-nine were issued as follows :—

Ordnance ... ... ... ...


Transport ... ... ... ... ...


Battery baggage ... ... ...


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