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88                                  Instructions to Authors

Kirby. The International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature and the International
Rules of Zoological Nomenclature should be followed. The names of chemical
substances should not be written with a capital letter ; they are printed in roman
type (e.g., calcium carbonate, prussic acid).

9.  The following and similar abbreviations may be used freely —viz., e.g.,
, mm. (millimetre), cm. (centimetre), grm. (gramme), mg. (milligramme),
c.c. (cubic centimetre), sp. gr. (specific gravity), lb. (pound), cwt. (hundred-
weight), in. (inch), ft. (foot), oz. (ounce), md. (maund), sr. (seer), ch. (chattack).
Other abbreviations should be used sparingly, if at all.

10.  References to plates should be given within brackets, without prefixing
the word " see " or " cf. ", in the MS. itself, and should not be left over for intro-
duction in proofs. For example, " The parasite (Plate X, fig. 4) was present
late in 1906 ".

11.  The word " Table " is preferable to " Statement ", and tables should be
numbered consecutively in roman figures. Each table should have an explana-
tion as a sub-head. It is more convenient for reference if tables can be printed
horizontally ; for this purpose they should not exceed in width the printing
measure of the page (5 in.). Example

                                        TABLE IV

Results of water-saving experiments on wheat (Pusa 12) at Gungapur, Haripur and
                                         Sargodha, 1916-17


No. of irri-
gations in-
cluding the

Yield per acre in
maunds and seers

Average yield per





Mds. Srs.

Mds. Srs.

Mds. Srs.

Mds. Srs.

Gungapur . . .


12 19½

20 10

} 9 34

Haripur . . .

8 31

19 14

21 17

Sargodha . . .

8 12½

25 27½

12. References to literature, arranged alphabetically according to authors'
names, should be placed at the end of the article, the various references to
each author being arranged chronologically. Each reference should contain the
name of the author (with initials), the year of publication, the abbreviated title
of the publication, volume and page. In the text the reference should be

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