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long as they live in recognized abodes, always under control, and open only to the
advances of soldiers. As the result of last year's report, a justifiable hope was raised
that collected, rent-free, abodes would be provided for the women. From several
stations it was recommended, and the local Government encouraged this view. But
its realization was entirely overthrown by the order of the Government of India in
the Military Department, No. 772S./C., dated 25th August, 1882. To the effect, that " it
had been decided to allow the continuance of the lock hospital system, upon the
understanding that no more outlay is to be incurred in the construction of buildings
for such institutions."

   As the provision of rent-free quarters must necessitate a reasonable expenditure,
I need scarcely say that all expectation of getting them for the women—in hopes of
their better management and improved status—has died out under the influence of
that order.

   92. And, further, this order of Government has struck at the root of the busi-
iness in another way. Of all requirements for its efficiency, two were most essential—
the building of lock hospitals at Chakráta and at Moradabad. All authorities con-
­demn the existing accommodation at Chakráta as disgraceful. The Surgeon-General
of the North-Western Provinces has said, officially, that not to report its unfitness
would be a crime. In regard to Moradabad there has been bitter and prolonged com-
­plaint of the existing accommodation in the midst of the Moradabad city.

   At Allahabad and at Roorkee also there has been urgent demand for improve-
ment in this direction.

   93. I think there cannot be a doubt that these complaints are justly founded.
And, that, for the proper working of the system, well placed and suitable accommoda-
­tion ought to be provided at the stations mentioned. Not only has no opinion to the
contrary been heard, but sites and plans and estimates have been provided, and all
made ready for the needful change.

   Now, this new order has brought everything to a standstill. And still the lock
hospital work goes on, as best it may, in the long condemned places.

   94. A lengthened acquaintance with the scheme, in all its branches, has sufficed
to teach me, that the lock hospital scheme has always had to struggle against an
overwhelming force of difficulties. Difficulties from the soldiers, difficulties from the
women, difficulties from conflicting authorities, difficulties from ever changing medi-
­cal management. And last there has come this difficulty of refusal to sanction the
provision of absolutely essential accommodation. It seems quite clear that no scheme
can work to success, so long as generally acknowledged errors, causing ill-result, go

   95. The reports—of which this happily may prove to be the last of the series—
have been chiefly useful, I think, in recording a continuance of unsatisfactory result,
and of defining its causes. Yet, of these causes, can it be said that any have been
overcome by remedy.

   Have the soldiers been kept from intercourse with unregistered native women ?
On the contrary, the records teem with evidence to the contrary.

   Have the registered women increased in numbers, been strengthened in attrac-
tive force, been properly located to receive the soldiers visits, and support, to the
shutting out of native men ? On the contrary, as years pass, their numbers ever
decrease, the hope that a gift of free quarters might attract handsome and younger
women is frustrated, and fully half the women live scattered in cities and bazaars.
Coming, indeed, for occasional examination, but living, in the interim, as fancy or
profit dictate.

   Have the workers in the unpleasant undertaking been encouraged, to perseverance
in the attainment of reality and efficiency, by a concensus of opinion favouring its
goodness or advantage ? On the contrary, very influential opinion has been repeatedly


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