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No. 17, dated Bareilly, 12th February, 1878.

      From—R. M. EDWARDS, ESQ., Commissioner, Rohilkhand Division,

      ToThe Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces.

         SIR,—I have the honour to submit with the following remarks the accompany-
ing letter, No. 11, dated 12th January, 1878, with its enclosures, from the magistrate
of Sháhjahánpur, being the report on the working of the Sháhjahánpur lock-hospital
for the year 1877.

      2. Statement No. 1.—This is a second-class hospital. The cost of establishment
amounts to Rs. 64 per mensem, with an allowance of Rs. 50 to the medical officer in

      3. Statement .No. 11.—The number of women on the register at the beginning
of the year was 34, and 17 were enrolled during the year ; of these 13 removed their
names and 38 remained on the register at its close.

      4. The average number on the register was 34.54, and the average number attend-
ing the periodical examinations 32.37; 179 women were found diseased and detained
for treatment, 27 were reported for non-attendance and fined Rs. 40.

      5. Of the total number of admissions into hospital (179 against 245 in the pre-
ceding year) 26 were cases of primary syphilis and 30 of gonorrhœa, against 31 of
the former and 4 of the latter in 1876.

      6. Statement No. 111.—No registration fees were levied from the prostitutes.
Rs. 40 were realized in fines, and the whole cost of the lock-hospital, Rs. 1,594-10-2,
was met from the cantonment fund.

Year. Average
Number of
Ratio of admis-
sions per mille.
1875 547 108 197.44
1876 483 108 223.60.
1877 423 129 291.50
  1876.   1877.
Primary syphilis 59 ... 40
Secondary do. 22 ... 33
Gonorrhœa 27 ... 56

      7. As regards the
health of the European
soldiers, the marginal
statement discloses a pro-
gressive increase of disease
during the past three
years which at first sight appears unsatisfactory,
but is really an improvement as compared with
the results of 1876, the increase being entirely
in secondary syphilis and gonorrhœa, diseases
which, in Dr. Gardner's opinion, 'are beyond the control of lock-hospital surveillance,
or attributable to the disease of former years.'

No. 11, dated Sháhjahánpur, the 12th January, 1878.

      From—W DUTHOIT, ESQ., D.C.L., Magistrate of Shájahánpur,

      ToThe Commissioner, Rohilkhand.

        SIR,—I have the honour to forward the lock-hospital report with statements
for the year 1877, as received from the officer commanding the station of Sháhjahán-
pur, under cover of his letter No. 10, dated the 7th instant, and to report as follows.

      2. At the commencement of the year under report the number of women on the
lock-hospital register was 34, to which 17 were added during the year, giving a total
of 51. The number removed from the register was 13, and the number remaining at
the close of the year was 38. The average number of prostitutes on the register dur-
ing the year was 34.54, as against 36.5 of the previous year.

      3. The average number of those who attended the periodical examinations dur-
ing the year was 32.37, as compared with 34.41 in 1876. The number reported for
non-attendance was 27, as against 50 in 1876. The fines levied in the year under
report for non-attendance were Rs. 40, as against Rs. 82-8-0 of the previous year.


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