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Fig.  1-6.—Successive transverse sections through pedicel and lower part of ovary of
                  female flower of Cannabis to show position and destiny of the fibro-vascular
                  traces. (st., stipule; br. inv., involving bract; α, trace innerving the
                  involving bract; β, trace innerving the anterior, external, sterile carpel ;
                  γ, trace innerving the posterior, internal fertile carpel; δ, trace innerv-
                  ing funiculus of ovule; x, secondary trace derived from γ—after Briosi
                  and Tognini.

   „      7.—Vertical section through pe licel and base of ovary, showing the foregoing
                  traces, β, γ, δ and x—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „      8.—Apex of female inflorescence, showing earliest stages of development of
                  female flowers; ov., ovules; st. bracts, corresponding to stipules; br.
                  inv., involving bract; ax. fl., floral axis—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „      9.—Slightly more advanced stage of development of a female flower; ov. ovule ;
                  st., stipular bract; br. inv., involving bract—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „    10.—Young female flower; ov., ovule; car., ovary; per., perianth; br. inv. involv-
                  ing bract—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „    11.—Vertical section (diagrammatic) of young female flower, at an early stage
                  before the axillary position of the axial ovule is marked—after Briosi
                  and Tognini.

   „    12.—Vertical section (diagrammatic) of young female flower, to show the position
                  of the ovule as axillary to the posterior carpellary phyllome —after
                  Briosi and Tognini.

   „    13.—Young female flower, ovarian parietes hiding the ovule but the cavity net
                  yet closed—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „    14.—More advanced stage of young female flower, the opening contracted but still
                  unclosed—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „    15.—Further stage of female flower, the styles forming but not yet united at their
                  bases,—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „    16.—Still further stage of female flower, the cavity closed by union of the bases
                  of the styles, but the line of union still visible as a faint cicatrix—after
                  Briosi and Tognini.

   „    17.—Longitudinal section (diagrammatic) of recently closed ovary, showing
                  obcampylotropous ovule still destitute of ovular integuments—after
                  Briosi and Tognini.

   „    18-20.—Vertical section (diagrammatic) of young flower of female Cannabis,
                       to show development of ovule integuments—after Briosi and Tognini.

   „    21.—Young unfertilized ovary—after Schleiden, and from nature.

   „    22.—Vertical section of young unfertilized ovary—after Schleiden, and from

   „    23.—Vertical section of young ovary, to show commencement of development of
                  embryo—after Schleiden, and from nature.

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