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Foot soreness.

     Foot soreness prevailed to the extent of—cases; the men were excused wearing boots until
the sores were completely healed.


     Epidemic. —Cholera appeared on 8th December; 3 men were attacked; the last case
occurred on 16th December; 1 died; the type of the disease varied. A very virulent form of
the disease prevailed at the time among the civil population. The encampment was changed
on the 17th December 1876, after which date no other case occurred.


     General conclusions. —The number of admissions, viz., 58 from November 8th to 31st
December out of an average strength of 294, is very much more than that usually recorded of
native regiments. The admissions however were due to such affections as mild types of ague,
febricula, bowel-affections, and were quickly amenable to treatment. A. good deal of the slight
ills from which the men of the detachment suffered can be attributed to living under canvas
and to the general unhealthiness of the season.

     Deputy Surgeon-General P. G. FitzGerald, M.D., inspected this detachment on
the 27th January 1877 and reports as follows:—

condition of

     Sanitary condition of camp. —The detachment is encamped about a mile from the town,
behind the old Ressala lines, close to the canal, on black cotton soil which, in the event of rain,
will become soon a mass of mud. There is no shade in the event of their being left here
throughout the hot weather. I consider that they should be moved from this position, and huts
provided for them on the site of their first camp, on the other side of the Hindry river, on the
Gooty road, just beyond the new cutcherry. This piece of ground is well adapted fox
regimental lines.

condition of
latrines, &c.

     Sanitary condition of latrines, &c. —The latrine for the detachment is situated across the
public road, about 200 yards from the camp. It is a walled enclosure open to the sky, and is
kept clean; dry earth is used freely; there is no drainage whatever for the camp.

of the neigh-
borhood of

     Conservancy of the neighborhood of camp. —The neighborhood of the camp is kept clean;
the municipal carts carry away all rubbish that accumulates.


     Hospital. —A single-poled tent, 12 feet square, is used as a hospital, but only the more
serious cases are detained in the hospital, the others simply remaining in their own tents.

27th Regiment Native Infantry.


Arrived from Moulmein on the 8th March 1875.

Average strength 679
   Do.       do.     present 626
Admissions 429
Daily sick 22
Deaths in hospital 9
   Do.   out of do. 5
Pensioned 27
Sick leave 10

     The following return shows the rates of sickness, deaths, and invaliding, as
contrasted with previous years:—

Years. Stations. Rate per Cent. of
Average Strength Present. Average Strength.
Admissions. Daily Sick. All Deaths. Pensioned. Sick Leave.
1873 Moulmein 190.68 4.92 3.07 .17 3.58
1874 Do. 132.34 4.62 1.10 .63 9.82
1875 Bellary 103.68 3.82 1.30 4.84 3.53
  Average 142.23 4.45 1.82 1.88 5.64
1876 Bellary 68.53 3.51 2.06 3.97 1.47

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