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    Hospital drainage has been good.


    Hospital water-supply good.


    General conclusions. —The health of the Sappers has been good during the past year. There
have been 337 admissions against 370 in 1875 and 6 deaths.

    Deputy Surgeon-General P. G. Fitzgerald, M.D., inspected the Head-Quarters
Queen's Own Sappers and Miners on the 23rd March 1877 and reports as under:—

of lines,&c.

    Sanitary condition of lines, &c.—The main street is 50 feet wide and subsidiary streets 25 feet
each. The drainage of the lines is partly natural and partly artificial by a number of opened
V-shaped drains lined with stone. The sewage from the huts finds its way into the open drain
in front of the huts. The huts are ventilated by doors, and there is a certain amount of
ventilation through the tiled roof and between it and the walls.

    At the west end the lines are only separated from the native bazaar by a very narrow lane
and the adjoining houses, the houses on the other side of which are a great nuisance and a
source of no little danger to the residents of the Sapper lines. The inhabitants are in the habit
of keeping cows and buffaloes in enclosures of their houses, and there is no proper conservancy.
The purchase and removal of these houses by Government would, I consider, be a good

of the neigh-

    Conservancy of the neighbourhood. —The neighborhood of the lines on the southern and
western sides is under the conservative care of the municipality. There is great room for improve-
ment at the western end, as already mentioned.

23rd Regiment Light Infantry.


Arrived from Quilon, 15th October 1872.

Average strength 676
Do. do. present 648
Admissions 504
Daily sick 16
Deaths in hospital 2
    Do. out of do. 2
Pensioned 14
Sick leave 5

    The following return shows the rates of sickness, deaths, and invaliding, as
contrasted with previous years:—

Years. Stations. Rate per Cent. of
Average Strength Present. Average Strength.
Admissions. Daily Sick. All Deaths. Pensioned. Sick Leave.
1873 Bangalore 77.63 2.30 1.69 2.77 1.23
1874       Do. 59.18 1.95 .85 4.43 2.00
1875       Do. 78.58 3.22 .15 4.36 .30
  Average 71.79 2.49 .89 3.85 1.17
1876 Bangalore 77.77 2.46 .59 2.07 .73

    The following officers held medical charge of this corps during the year,
Surgeon-Major W. H. Morgan,
Surgeon-Major W. H. Rean,

the last-named of whom reports as follows:—

and drainage
of the men's
huts, &c.

    Ventilation and drainage of the men's huts, &c. —The lines are situated on gentle slope, so
that, with a fair amount of rainfall, much of the dirt would be washed away; but during the past
year there has been so little rain that the collections of water, liquid sewage, &c. which flow from
huts has been removed morning and evening. The drains or gutters on either side of


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