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transfer it to the asylum register. It would be
entered in the register within a day or two of the
admission of the lunatic. I would accept it, because
I think the Magistrate has greater facilities than
I have to conduct an enquiry into the previous
history of the patient, and because the diagnosis
of cause depends practically exclusively on his-

   I don't know through what officer the Magis-
trate conducts his enquiry. I should hesitate
to accept the results of an enquiry conducted by a
Head Constable unless they had been verified by
the Magistrate. I am not aware of the procedure,
and cannot say if it is usual for the Magistrate to
verify the enquiry.

   In the case of Dariappa, admitted to the asylum
in 1892, I have read the remarks in column 5,
and I am inclined to think that though insanity
may have arisen from both liquor and ganja, the
latter should be regarded as the predisposing

   I should hardly say that there were any typical
symptoms in hemp drug insanity. The symptoms
present are generally those of acute mania. It
would, I think, be incorrect to say that all the
symptoms which I have observed in hemp drugs
insanity are to be found in cases of acute mania,
due to other causes. The shortness of duration
of the attack is, I think, suggestive of the hemp
drug cause. To discover this sign the patient
must be kept under observation. The cause is
entered in the register directly the patient arrives.
I do not recollect an instance in which I have
found it necessary to alter the cause recorded by
the Magistrate. The diagnosis of cause is that
furnished by the Magistrate, when it is given.
The opinion quoted in the remarks on the case of
Raya-bin-Basapa that " habitual use of ganja
may weaken the mind, while the occasional exces-
sive use produces acute mania " is mine. I mean
prolonged moderate use by the term " habitual
use; " and I think the effect of that is to produce
mental vacuity rather than acute mania; but I
would not exclude the possibility of acute mania
arising from such use.

   In the absence of any other cause, if the ganja
habit were asserted, I should accept that as the
cause of insanity.

71. Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR D. C. DAVIDSON, Acting Civil Surgeon, and Super-
intendent of the Jail and Lunatic Asylum, Dharwar.

   1. As Civil Surgeon in various places, Superin-
tendent of Jails, Acting Health Officer of Bombay,
in native regiments, etc.

   2. The only two varieties that I have been able
to obtain in this district are ganja and bhang.
Charas is practically unknown.

   19. Charas does not appear to be used at all in
this district, and ganja for smoking only.

   23. Bhang does not appear to be used in this

   28. (a) Roughly speaking, about two drachms
and over.

   (b) One ounce or more.

   29. Tobacco is ordinarily mixed with the ganja.
I have not met with instances in which the other
articles have been used.

   Bhang massala has been repeatedly described to
me. It is generally stated, with some slight
variations, to consist of bhang, opium seeds, cucum-
ber, pepper, nutmeg, milk, sugar, etc.

   30. Appears to be smoked indifferently in com-
pany or in solitude. Mainly confined to the male
sex, and to no particular time of adult life. I
know of no instance in which ganja has been con-
sumed by children.

   31. Appears to be easily formed, and as a rule
difficult to break off. There does not appear to be
any particular tendency for the moderate habit to
develop into the excessive. Nothing more I should
say than an occasional instance liable to occur in
the habitual use of all stimulants or sedatives.

   32. I am not aware of any.

   36. I have not met with or heard of any in-

   37. Charas is practically unknown in this dis-
trict as also drinking of preparations of bhang.

   39. Ganja-smoking appears to be practically
the only form in which the hemp plant is used in
this district.

   40. It is used extensively by the people them-
selves in malarial fever, rheumatism, dyspepsia,
diarrhœa, and as a sedative, anodyne, etc., etc.,
but I am not aware of any school of Native
Doctors recommending it.

   41. It is used as a tonic for cattle, especially
when the animals do not eat their food well.

   (a) to (c) Stated to be so.

   (d) Stated to be useful in dyspepsia, rheuma-
tism, and as a sedative, anodyne, etc.

   42. The moderate use of the drug would appear
to be practically harmless. The instances of
prisoners given in the accompanying form would
seem in a measure to bear out this.

   44. Said to have a soothing effect. Stated to
be refreshing and not to produce intoxication in
moderate quantities. It does not allay hunger;
on the contrary, said to increase the appetite.
The want of subsequent gratification produces
longing and uneasiness, and sometimes a feeling
of weakness of the extremities.

   45. So far as I can learn, the moderate use of
ganja in smoking does not appear to be either
physically or mentally injurious, generally speak-

   46. Excessive use is liable to be attended with
violent excitement terminating in insanity of an
acute maniacal form characterised by a tendency
to early recovery on discontinuance of the drug.
Sufficient evidence as to hemp drugs being the
cause of other forms of insanity does not yet
appear to have been adduced.

   47. In several cases the habit appears to have
passed from father to son, but whether merely as
the effect of association or hereditary transmission
it is difficult to say.

   48. The above would appear to hold good in
both cases.

   49. I have not been able to obtain information
of their being so used or of their producing

   50. I have not been able to obtain information
of any cases in which the drugs were said to be
so used.

   vol. vii


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