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In testing ganja and bhang, similar
parts undersimilar conditions should
be compared, i.e., female flowering
tops of each.

(4) As to intoxicant effects of ganja smoked
compared with ganja drunk (as a fluid
preparation), I should say, smoked:
drunk :: 1 : 2 roughly. Maximum
intensity of effect more quickly
reached when ganja drunk.


DHANOO.—One of the men experimented on, œt.
38 or so, healthy, muscular, intelligent.

Has used opium and ganja for about fifteen

Opium.—Used to eat about 45 grains (four
annas) in early morning, and smoke ganja about
three hours after that. Says he used to work
well while consuming these. Says they used to
make him feel stronger, kept him warm, and from
feeling fatigue. Sometimes made him sleepy;
never incapable of work.

Ganja.—Used to smoke 180 grains during 24
hours (if he could afford it), in four or five instal-

For last seven months, while in jail, had no
opium or ganja.

On all days of experiment Dhanoo had break-
fasted between 11 and 11-30 A.M.

Experiment 1; on 3rd March, 1883—

Ganja, 30 grains.

Before.—Heart 88;

Country tobacco, 10

firm, clear.


After i.e., at 3 P.M.,—

Smoked in chillum.

heart 120; less firm.

Pupils.—Some contrac-

Began 2-45 P.M.

tion induced.

Finished 2-56 P.M.

Mental effects, none.

Experiment 2; on 4th March, 1883

Dhanoo, who had breakfasted at 11 a. m.
smoked in a chillum:

Ganja 90 grains + tobacco 15 grains.

One-third of this smoked at a time.

1st part.—Began at 2-20 P.M.

Finished at 2-30 P.M.

Before.—Heart 88; firm, steady—Pupils nor-

After.—Heart 118 Pupils some
contraction induced.

2nd part.—Began 2-36.

Finished 2-48.

After.—Heart 132; sounds are not clear;
muffled, especially first sound.

Says he feels strong, fit for work, and happy.
Mental effects slight, can talk as much as before;
says he feels giddy; can balance on one foot.
Pupils further contracted.

3rd part.—Began 3-24.

Finished 3-30.

After.—Heart 134; irregular, not firm.

Pupils, very contracted; do not respond

Looks tipsy; conjunctivæ red; voice thick,
muffled; says he feels strong and fit for work.

Mental.—Giddy; can walk straight, but not
balance on one leg. Ideas clear; sits leaning head
against support.

Giddiness increased during the half hour follow-
ing the completion of this last pipe.
6-30 P.M.—Symptoms almost disappeared.

Experiment 3

Bhang leaves, three weeks old, dry, of plants 2
to 3 feet high, mature, not flowering.

Dhanoo smoked (on 5th March 1883) 180

1st part.—Bhang 60 grains + tobacco 6 grains
in chillum.

Began to smoke 1-18 P. M.

Finished 1-45 p. m.

Before.—Heart 88; firm, clear. Pupils normal.

After.—No alteration of any kind observable,
except diuretic effect. He retires twice to empty
bladder of an unusual amount of clear urine.

He says it is unpleasant to smoke and gives
heartburn. Would rather drink it. Has never
smoked bhang before.

2nd part.—Bhang 120 grains more=180
grains in all + tobacco 5 grains, smoked in

              Began this 2-10 P.M.

              Finished 3-5 P.M.

After.—Heart 90; firm, clear. Pupils as be-

Mental symptoms, none.

Diuretic effect, marked.

Retired three times, up to 5 P.M., when obser-
vation ceased.

Experiment 4; on 6th March, 1883—

Bhang drunk, as goonta, from leaves of young
immature plants 1 foot high.

Dried bhang leaves

1 dram.



1 dram.

Black pepper

12 berries.


12 ounces.

Leaves, pepper and sugar well beaten up to-
gether with a little water; more water added;
filtered through cloth; process repeated with
residue, thrice.

Resulting fluid, thick bilious green; taste
sweet, mawkish; smell like hay.

Well frothed up, then drunk.

Effects none, except diuretic.

Experiment 5; on 9th March, 1883—

Bhang.—Leaves of mature plants, 2 to 3 feet
high, not flowering; leaves about three weeks old,

Prepared as in Experiment IV; 2 drams made
into 12 ounces of goonta.

Dhanoo drunk this at 11-50 A. M.

Before.—Heart 88: strong, clear. Pupils

Effects.—1 P. M.—Heart 98; slight giddiness;
can stand on one foot.

2 P.M.—Same.

3  P.M.—Same.

4 P.M.—Heart 90; firm, clear.

Very slight effects. Disappeared in three
hours. Effects came on slowly.

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