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4. How many times had he been insane
previous to the occasion of his admission
into the Asylum?
4. States that he had never been insane
before taking to using charas.

5. What form did his mania assume be-
fore admission in the Asylum.

5. He was in a state of acute violent
mania when admitted into the Asylum, was
very noisy and abusive, refused to wear any
clothing, and destroyed it when given to him,
and it was impossible to get any rational
answers out of him on any subject. He was
twice admitted into the Asylum. On first oc-
casion he was only about a month in the
Asylum and was then released cured.
6. Has the patient used hemp in any
form since his discharge from the Asylum,
and has he shown any signs of mania

6. He says he returned to his usual avo-
cation of grazing cattle and began smoking
charas again, and in 20 days he was brought
back with acute mania. He says there was
a fakir whom he used to meet at a tank,
where he was in the habit of watering his
cattle, and it was this fakir who first persuad-
ed him to smoke charas. On his release the
first time he again met this fakir and was
persuaded by him to resume the habit. The
second time he came into the Asylum he was
equally violent and remained more or less
insane for about 10 weeks. It was not
thought advisable, however, to release him
for some time after he had regained his sen-
ses, so he was kept in the Asylum for 10
months and then discharged quite cured.
7. What is the mental and physical con-
dition of the patient at this moment?

7. On appearing before me to-day (No-
vember 25th, 1893, having been sent by the
Deputy Commissioner) he is perfectly ration-
al and as sane as a man can be, and gives
a full account of himself without hesitation.
He is in good bodily health and is a well-made
powerful man. Since the second release he
has never been near the fakir again and has
never smoked charas. He met the fakir once
and told him of the injury he had done him by
inducing him to smoke charas, and the fakir
advised him to keep away from him in future,
which he has done. He has given up his
former occupation of grazing cattle, and now
follows the plough.
8. Had the patient ever shown any
signs of insanity or mental weakness
before using hemp in some form?
8. No.

9. With what object did the patient first
commence to use the drug, for the pleasure
of it or for the medicinal effects produced?
If the latter, for what ailment was the drug
9. He says he only took to smoking charas,
because the fakir and others did so, i.e., for
society's sake and not because of any pleasur-
able effects it produced.

10. Did the patient find the moderate
use of the drug act as an aphrodisiac or
the reverse? Does he consider the habi-
tual use of hemp tends to cause impo-
10. He found the use of charas act as an
aphrodisiac, and when he was using it he
became almost impotent. His sexual pas-
sions have now fully returned.

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