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45. Causes mental weakness and nervous debi-

Causes confusion of ideas, nervous debility and
muscular weakness.

Impairs digestion and causes morbid appetite.

Tends to induce asthma.

Impairs moral sense and induces laziness.

Impairs intellect, and in some cases produces

The exciting cause.

Acute mania.

Yes, may be reinduced by use of the drug.



Have not met such cases.


No records kept of such cases, so unable to com-

46. No records of such cases kept.

49. Yes.

51. (i) Not in the regiment.

(ii) Absence without leave and desertion are
often said by the native soldier to be in consequence
of his having become insensible and wandered off
somewhere, till perhaps days after he came to his
senses again, and found himself in a strange place.
I should say this state might be induced by the
consumption of these drugs.

53.   (i) Not in my experience.

(ii) No.

54.  No. I have never met with a case in any re-
giment that I have served in.

55.  Have never met with such a case during
my service.

                    Answer No. 134.

20. Total strength on the 1st January 1894—

(a) Combatants-



Sikhs and Hindus


(b) Non-combatants


(c) Authorised camp followers


None of the caste or class smoke ganja and
charas respectively.

24.  None of the caste or class drink bhang,
but sometimes used by Sikhs for drinking.

25.  The use of bhang if the men be not inter-
fered with is on increase. But I have issued
strict orders not to use it.

28. The average cost of bhang is 3 pies, but
ganja and charas cost 4 annas or more to the habi-
tual consumers.

32.  The social custom is that the men of the
Panjab use bhang with other ingredients as a cool
draught in hot weather, and also regard it religious-
ly as a holy herb, as it is said that bhang was used
by (Shiva) Adam.

33.  The consumption of these drugs is regarded
as medicine for travellers, as they say that if these
drugs are used, the climate of the foreign countries
does not affect them injuriously.

The practice is deprecated by native officers, as
it makes men lazy and stupid; taken in excess
causes intoxication. Never worshipped.

39. The smoking of any other preparation of
the hemp plant is somewhat more injurious than
eating and drinking, as smoking promotes phthisis
and asthma and other lung diseases.

41.  No.                               

42.  The moderate use of these drugs is more or
less harmful; the reasons are that the even moder-
ate consumers are invariably lazy and stupid and
soon become unfit for service in the army.

43.  Yes.

44 It refreshes and stimulates appetite. If not
taken in moderation, produces intoxication and the
effect lasts four to five hours. It does not allay
hunger; the after-effect is a feeling of lassitude and
headache, etc., and the want of subsequent gratifi-
cation produces a craving for the same.

45.  I have never had any opportunity of watch-
ing the effects of these drugs, and whether they
really cause any of the diseases, or impairment of
any of the functions mentioned, I am unable to

I have no evidence to furnish on these points.

46.  I have not knowingly met any person in the
habit of taking these drugs to excess.

49. No.

51. There was only one habitual consumer of
bhang who was a Sikh and has been discharged for
bad character.

53.  Yes.


54.  I cannot say, as I have had no experience in
the matter.

55.  I believe so.


                  Answer No. 135.

20. Total strength


(a) Combatants


(b) Non-combatants


(c) Authorised camp followers


In class (a) about 70, class (b) nil, class (c)
about 3, take ganja. No one takes charas.
24. In class (a)—About 30.

It is not eaten by any.

25. Very greatly on the decrease: formerly
about 50 per. cent. of the men used drugs,
now about 12 to 15 per. cent. The decrease is
accounted for by the fact that the men in the
ranks are much younger. than in former days.
The men of over 30 years' service used to employ
these drugs as a stimulant to enable them to do
their work.

28. Of ganja about 1 tola, of bhang 1/4 tola, the
cost being from 2 to 4 annas per tola of ganja.

                                                                        N 2

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