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south of France and all Lombardy, and after resting at Bologna and Florence, at each place
some days haveing good friends at both, I got to my long journey's end in perfect health the
10th of last month, where even his Holyness the Pope, and the first of this metropolis, were
overjoy'd to see me to return in good health, and made much of me. That I might be. able to
make out such a long and expensive journy with ease and every kind of conveniency, my
good friends the Lord Privy Seal of Scotland and the Earl of Ailesbury took care there
should be no deficincy on that point. They were truely concern'd to part with me, yet
they were my chief councellors for my undertaking the journy, they being persuaded it
was the best thing I could do for my comfort during what time the Almighty shall be
pleas'd to prolong my days in this world. Now, my dear and honour 'd Sir, here I am
settled again, where, if I can be of any use to you or yours, I beg you '11 freely command me,
I shall be most happy to receive your precious commands, and to execute them with the
greatest fidelity. And in the meanwhile I must intreat you to present my best and most
dutifull respects to dear Lady Grant, to dear Louis, to the Doctor his tutor, to Miss Marian,
your dear sister, and to desire her to remember me in the kindest manner to Lieutenant-
Governor Edmond Stere and his amiable daughters, to Mr. Mackenzie and his lady, your
sister, and generally to all inquiring friends, to Mr. Morison, whom you'll certainly see; and
with every sentiment of real and profound esteem and indefeasable attachment, I ever am,
dear Sir James,
Your most oblig'd and most dutifull servant,
Peter Grant.
Millions of loveing compliments to Lady Dowager Grant of Monymusk, and to our
worthy friend Mr. Colquhon Grant, and the doctor his brother.
To Sir James Grant of Grant, Bart., Edenburgh, North Britain.
626. Agathe de St. Germain, eldest daughter of the Vicomte de Vaux, to Lady Grant
of Grant — Their life in London.
Londres, le 25 Avril 1793.
Ma chere et respectable myLady, — J'ai recu la lettre que vous avez eu la bonte de
m'ecrire, je suis bien reconnoissante de votre agreable souvenir.
J'ai appris avec le plus vif interet que le regiment de Sir J. Grant est complet depuis
Mon papa a ete invite a un diner de Hilanders ces jours derniers ; ils etoient quarante
Ecossois, ils danserent au son des bag-pipe des danses Ecossoises, et burent a votre sante,
Papa eut le plaisir d'y entendre parler de Sir J. Grant par tout le monde, de la manierre
la plus flatueuse.

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