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1782.] ME. JAMES GARDEN. 547
you are to have his portrait, which was finished some days agoe. It is a very fine piece, ten
feet high, etc., and represents himself, groom, and horses as they are in full life and hight.
This he intends you should put up in Castle Grant. It is a very fine piece which, I can
assure you, might be putt up in a king's appartement. He desires to know to what direction
it shall be sent in London, which I hope by your first letter you will lett me know. I
shall send it to Messrs. Harries and Keith next week, bankers at Ostende, who will forward
it to London as you will be pleas'd to direct.
He has one son and two daughters. The son is nine years of age, a sprightly, fine boy,
called Charles Grant ; he setts out for the colledge of Douay next week, where he will be
under the care of my uncle Eobert, principal of that house. My wife will, I hope, augment
the name of Grant very soon. She is in the sixth month of her pregnancy, and enjoys
perfect health. We shall pass this summer in Paris. — I have the honour to be, dear Sir,
Your most obedient and humble servant whilst
Grant of Blairfindy.
To Sir James Grant of Grant, London.
618. Mr. James Garden to The Same — A portrait of the Vicomte de Vaux
for Sir James.
London, 4th April 1782.
Sir, — I have the honor to inclose a letter I received lately from Colonel Grant of Paris.
I transmitted to him, his lady, and to Viscount de Vaux, what you was pleased to desire me
to say to them, when I had the honor to see you in London. All very gratefully acknow-
ledge your kind remembrance, good wishes, and the honor you do them.
Colonel Grant mentions to me the present that Viscount de Vaux intends for you, sir.
It is for the chief of his family, his own picture, a capital piece. Colonel Grant's expressions
might lose in a translation ; I shall give them their full energy in a litteral copy of the
original : — " Le Vicomte de Vaux est ici, a Paris, il doit faire a Sir James Grant un present
magnifique de son portrait, ce tableau a dix pieds de hauteur. Le Vicomte y est represents
dans sa hauteur naturelle en grand uniform d'officier des Gardes du Roi, son palfernier lui
presente ses bottes pour monter a cheval. II a un bras appuye sur un cheval d'Ecadron
superbement harnache. Le palfernier tient le sien par la bride entortill^e autour de son bras.
Ce tableau est de toute beauts, et fera un bien bel ornement, digne du Chateau de Grant.
Personne n'a plus de grandeur d'ame, des sentimens plus nobles que le Vicomte ; c6st l'homme
du monde le plus accompli, qui fait le plus d'honneur au nom de Grant."
This picture is to be sent to Ostend, to Messrs. Herries, Keith, and Co. It may
possibly be there already. To whom must it be adressed here, and how can it be sent to
you, and where ? You'll please give your orders.

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