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more then youris can doe to him. But this much I will confidently assure yow of, that gif ye
will leawe the cours ye are on, and cum to Abirdein in your returne, quhair (on adverteis-
ment) I sail meite yow, yovv sail find my lord als kynd as ever his lordship was, — ready to
pertake with yow against all that sail be enemies to yow for that caus, and the maine busines
quhich ye most desyre as yit holl and wnspoyled, so that I am confident it may be happilie
effectuated. Now, brother, let me intreate yow to be wyse in tym, and lose not so faire hoopis
of the greatest honour and good that evir ye sail attaine to ; quhich iff ye doe, as ye sail lose
all your trewest frendis, and procure yourself too michtie enemies, so it feares me (nay, I dar
confidentlie awer it) it salbe the ruine and overthrow of that hows that lies descended to yow
from your worthie ancestoris. I beseech God to open your eyis, that ye may sie your owin
good. So wishes
Your faithfull brother and humble servant till deathe,
W. Innes.
117. Patrick, third Earl of Tullibardine, to the Laird of Grant, exhorting
him to submit to the King.
Aberdeene, the 8 of June 1639.
Noble Nephew, — I cane not forbeir to wrytt wnto yow when I fynd a fitt ocatione, altho'
you hawe slighed all my former letters thees two yeers past, in not answeringe any parte of
them ; yit beinge so neer of blood to yow, I cane not forbeer bot to put yow in mynd onis
more of your dewtie and alegence to his sacred Majestie. It is trewe, and to my great
greeff, that you haue gone on over far against his Majestie in concuringe with his enemeis, and
adheringe and goinge with them against his Majesties authoretie. It is better to repentt,
altho to laitt, nor newer to do it. Theerfoir let me onis moir adwys yow, in the name of
God, and nixt in his Majesties name, to repentt you of that whiche yow haue downe, and to
cwme in and submitt your self. For iff you steye bot eght dayis after the publicatione of
his Majesties proclematione, hike to resawe no fawore. I preye yow schowe this letter to
your grand onkls, and adwyse spedelie withe them and withe the best affected of your freinds
that loueis the standinge of your hous, and be not careyed awaye as you hawe beine with a
traitor to his Majestie and to your house. I haue sent you a proclamatione of his Majesties
to reed and considder of, and iff you loue the standing of your hous, let it be proclaymed at
all your paris churgeis, in whiche doinge I do not dowpt bot you mey cwme of fairlie, and be
reconceeld to his Majesties fawore, and iff you condeme this my adwyse, hike for no fauore
heerafter ; and so I take my lewe, and rest,
Your werie assured grand onkle to serwe you,
I preye yow let this letter serwe to remember my loue to my deer sister, your grandmother.
For my loueinge grand nephew, the Laird of Grantt, delyuer this.

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