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curse againise quhatsumevver, for I protest to God tlier is nothing that I culd do to giff your
maisterschip contentment but I vald be villing to do, respacking my cryet : sua to your
maisterschipis anssuer heirin, I rest,
Your maisterschipis mest humell freind,
Eannald M c Donnald, apeirand of Kappoch.
To the rycht honorabill and his speciall freind, Sir Johne Grant off Frechcorie — thes.
86. Donald Macdonell of Glengarrie to Sik John Grant of Mulben, knight —
"Wadset of Abertarff.
Inuernes, the 14 of December 1623.
Eycht WOESCHIPFULL, my hartlie dewetie ewer remembrit : Pleis thir presenttis ar schawing
your worschip that I am chargit be ane messinger at my Lord Lowet his instance for payment
making to him of fywe thowsand pundis, quhilk your worschipis father was cautiouner for
me for payment of fywe thowsand merkis, and that as wodset in the four dauoche of Aber-
tarff; quhilk sowme your worschipis father was obleist to pay my Lord Lowet in Elgin,
as he quhome I lipnit my haill moyen and credet to ; quhilkis sowmes of monyes your
wmquhill father sateisfyet in my name, and in respect he was obleist for payment thairof, I gaif
him the money to be delyuerit in my name, quhilk he did : Thairfoir I request your worschip
most ernestlie to seik out my Lord Lowet his discharge grantit vpon the resset of the monyes,
for Johne Donaldsone knawes quhair the discharge lyes and quhow the moneyes was payet.
Sua befoir your worschip and I be forther trublit, I lippin your worschip will seik out my
Lord Lowet his discharge, for gif your father haid bein alywe thair haid bein no word of
this ; bot thinking your father lies nocht keipit the discharge, I am socht for payment of the
moneyes bak againe. Your worschip sail wit that Eonald M c Eonald lies bein in Stranawer,
and at his back cuming I met with him in Channorie, quha offeret to me that he wald be
in your worschipis will, and offeris to cum to your worschip in my cumpany, quhilk I think,
God willing, salbe for your worschipis weill ; and giff your worscl^} be nocht contentit thair-
with, he is willing to do to your worschip anything be the sicht of my Lord Kintaill and the
tutor Kintaill with the curatoris of M c Intosche. Sua to your weilfar and ansuer, seing the
former pairt heirof lyes on my credet, I rest, nocht forzetting my hartlie commendatiounes
to your worschip and your bedfellowe, quhome with yow I commit in the protectioun of
Almyghtie God,
Your worschipis ewer to command, /O
gy<~ c u%fP%xi£
To the richt worschipful Sir Johne Grant of Milben, knycht — theis.

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