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wraick. Luikinge thairfoir ye will haiff a cair of his weall, and to your resolutione thairanent
remittinge, committis yow to God. Boigegeycht, 4 Maii 1610.
Youris weray assured guid frend,
Henriette Marquise of Huntlye.
To my weray assured frend the Laird of Grant.
73. Allan Cameron of Lochiel to The Same, regarding an agreement with MTntosh.
Calgarth, 13° Marcii 1612 zeiris.
ElCHT Honorabill Sir and maist affectionat eame, efter maist lowing commendationis
premittit. Thocht meit to wreit thir lynis wnto your maistersehip, schawing that I met
with the Laird of Glenmoreistoun and William M°Intoschie of Rait, in Achdrome, and
resauit certaine articles set downn to me to adwyis wpone ; quhilkis articles I haiff seine
and concidderit the particularis thairof at lenth. As concernyng my parte thairof I sail do
eftir I meit with your maistersehip as ye will counsel! me to do. And I wreit with William
M c Intoschie to your maistersehip that I wald abyid at ane of tuay of the articles set dowine.
Also, I wreit ane wther lettir to Stratherin, thinking to meit with your maistersehip thair,
intreitting of the samyn. I will maist ernistlie requeist your maistersehip to appount ane day
schoirtlie, that be your adwyce I may end with M c Intoschie, for bayth his weill and myine.
My freindis heiraway ar far aganis me, as I will sehaw your maistersehip at meitting con-
cernyng this purpois ; yit I will newir do heirin nor yit in ony wther wechtie ado, bot
according to your wisdome and guid oppownayeoun, qubilk I haif fowind ewir tend to my
weill and ease. I haif directit the berar with wreittis to the Laird of Clony my eame and
certaine wtheris of my Lord Marqueiss freindis, to sie quhat fauour thay may obteine to me
of my Lord Marqueis. I will ernistlie requeist your maistersehip till haist this mater
betux M c Intosche and me, for the schoner the samyn be endit the bettir for bayth our
weillis. So referring the rest to your maisterschipis awin wisdome and ansuer with the berar,
committis your maistersehip maist hairtlie to the eternall protectioun of God, remanis for
ewir constant. Lat this mak my hairtlie commendationis to my Lady M c Intoschie, the
young Laird and remanent bairnis.
Your maisterschipis affectionat eame to his wttermaist powar,
— vwp&~ cMdrtcr-
To the richt honorabill his maist affectionat guid freind, the Laird Graint — this to
be delyuerit.

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