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yow to be our commissioners for that synode. And therefore these are to requyre yow
to attend that meeting, in the ordinarye place thereof; and at the first conveyning of the
bretheren, that yee present vnto them the act of the Assembly held at L} nlythgow, touching
the election of constant moderatours in presbyteries and synods, and that yee vrge them
according to the said ordinance to admitt Alexander Bishop of Murray for there moderatour
in the same synode. And if they refuse there obedience to the said act, or the Bishop being
admitted, if he refuse to accept the charge and exerce the same, that yee cause charge the
refusers by vertue of our letters, which ye sail herewith ressaive. And in cace of there
disobedience, cause denounce them rebbells, and the synod to be dissolved. If ye ressaive
obedience, yee sail declare vnto the synod our earnest desyre of the peace of the church, our
former travells takin for extinguishing the fyer of division which is kindled amongst the
ministers of the same, the small effect that our paynes have taken, partly by the immodest
behaviour of those particuler ministers whome we called to a conference in our owne presence
in the moneth of September last, and partly by the vnquyett and turbulent dealing of others
there favourers, who have opposed themselves to the conclusions taken in the Generall Assembly
held at Linlythgow in the moneth of December thereafter, which were agreed vpon with a
greate consent, both of noblemen, barrons, and others of the ministrye. And how that now
at last we have advised vpon a colloque of the ministrie, to meete at Hallyroode House, the
27 of August nixt, with the bishopes, the commissioners of the Generall Assemblye, and others,
whome we have appointed to preside for vs in that meeting for removing of the presente
evills, and preparing a peaceable meeting in the Generall Assembly, which we intend shal
be held at Dundee, the 24:th of November nixt; which ministers we have willed to be chosen
by the synode of every province, two at the most, of the godliest, wisest, and best disposed
of there number, which shal be sent with power and commission to conveyne, consult
and conclude vpon the fittest meanes to settle peace and quyetnes in the church, and prepare
a peaceable Generall Assembly as said is, by which meanes we are in hope that some
good shalbe done and effected in the church. But if it faile in the default and vnwillingnes
of the synods, or in the obstinacye of anie of them, which shal be directed to that errand,
we are fully resolved to putt to our owne hande to that worke, and with the advice of our
nobillitie and other our Estates, to redresse by authoritie that which, by other meanes
vsed with themselves, we could not have amended. And for this effect cheifly, we have
commaunded the synods of all provinces to conveyne at this tyme.
Nixt yee sail requyre the moderatour and brethren of the synod to examyne the dilli-
gence of the moderatours in persueing of Papistis within there boundis, according to the
conclusion taken at Lynlythgow, and that they tak order with such as they shall finde to
have bene remisse in that busines.
And bicause the fifth of August is appointed to be kept with a solemne thankisgeving
to God for our deliverie from the treasonable conspiracie at Perth, which deliverance should

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