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and that by the lawis of Scotland it could not chuse but be declared thift ; which wee
must think no lytill ouersight, if it be true. But wee know what hinderance yow all
have had to worke that matter to our effect, and vpon what respects it is done ; but
time will try all, and furneis ws meanes to acquyt such deserts, as also to be thankfull
to your self and others, who in this particular, wee doubte not, have been towards ws
truely affected. So wee bid yow hartely farewell. Greenwich, 15 June 1608.
To our right trusty and weilbeloued counseller, my Lord of Balmirinogh, secreitare
of Scotland.
34. Anne, Queen of King James the Sixth, to Alexander, Eael of Dunferm-
line, and others — Complaints of their conduct. 15th August 1608. [Con-
temporary copy.]
Eight trusty and welbeloued cousin and consellers, — We haif often heard of your
undeutifull cairiages in his Maiesteis seruices, and much talkit verie confidentlie to that
effect. If your deseruings be such, in place of a defender, you sal haif us your gretest
enneme, for we wish nothing moir then that his Maiestie may euer be serued with
worthie and honest men. Bot if you proue honest, and be able to ansuer for your
selfis, as ue doubt not you will, then be assurit that to our pouer ue uil stil protect
you in your honest cause, til the contrail - appeir. We doe not doubt bot Dumbar uil,
as he promeist to us, be loth to doe ony of you urong, and uill treulie report as he seis
you to mereit, and uil put a difference betuein enuie and particulareteis of your
unfreindis, and the coulour thai pretend of his Maiesteis sendee, and uill contenou
eurie uay deutifull to us and freindlie to those we uorthely affect, which if he troulie
do, being certifeid therof from you, we uill at his returne use him uith greatter respect.
In the mean tyme, to the end ue may be the better informet of all your proceidiugs,
and that you may proue your selfes as you haif beiu to his Maiestei, faill you not uith
conuenient occasion to repair hither one or all of you and ansuer for your selfes, other-
uais ue uil be moued to think the hardlier of you. So we bid you hairtly fairuell.
Holmby, 15 August [1608].
Indorsed : " Copie of Her Maiesties letter to Chanceller, President, and Advocat,
15 August 1608."
35. The Privy Council of Scotland to King James the Sixth, reporting the
expedition to the Isles. 6th October 1608. [Contemporary copy.]
Most sacred Souerayne, — The Lord Vchiltrie, your Maiesteis Lieutennent over the
Ylandis of this kmgdonie, haueing, with a verie good succes, returnit from that

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