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I have had nothing, thogh I was fvll of expectatione to have had, att least,
some accompt of yovr receptione att Court hy the last post ; bvt I presvme
yovr stay att Hampton Court heas been longer then yow expected, which
heas occasioned yovr missing of the post. I did by my last informe yow
how little Lome deserved his Majestie's favovr. I did leckwayes desire yow
to vse yovr best endevors with the King, that nothing might be done for
him, till I might have time to acqyant his Majestie of his merit. I doe
agean renewe my desire, for I cannot send yow a fvll informatione till the
parliament meet, which will be Twesday next, the 24 instant. The thing
meanly concerneth the parliament, so the parliament will give his Majestie
ther hvmble sense of it. I shall only say, that ther is so mvch of weight in
the mater as will deserve his Majestie's consideratione befor he determine
anie thing in Lorns bvsiness. Nowe that yow may sie with what indvstrie
Lome persueth his bvsiness, and how hopefvll he is to accomplish his desires,
I have sent yow the two inclossed, written with his owne hand thogh not
signed. I dovbt bvt his hand is weill known to yow, bvt wee can prove
the writ to be his by other papers written and signed with his hand. Yow
will perceave by the inclossed his descretione, and how vnworthie he is
of anie honest man's favovr. I will leave the macking vse of the in-
clossed letters to my Lord Newbrogh's discretione and yovrs. Shvre I
am some worthie person is mvch abvsed by him, as will verie cleerly
appear to yow by his letters. Wedensday morning nixt I shall send yow
by another express the informatione concerning him. My Lord, all I can
say is, that all indvstrie is vsed for keeping and macking wp a wicked
damned peartie, which will prove significant or insignificant, as his Majestie
why an alteration so clearly wrong should be of Middleton, immediately following, written
made upon the date of a letter referring to after Lome's conviction, will explain the half
events so well and widely known. The letter obscure references contained in this.

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