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Sir Eorie's daughter, Margaret, married Sir James Macdonald of Slate.
Their contract of marriage is dated 23d February 1633, and Sir John,
her brother, gave her a tocher of 15,000 merks. 1
Dame Margaret Macleod, Lady Coigeach, survived her husband, Sir Eorie,
many years. She married, secondly, Thomas Fraser of Strichen, ancestor of
the present Lord Lovat, before 15th July 1643. Dame Margaret Macleod,
sometime spouse of the deceased Sir Eorie M'Kenzie of Coigeach, Knight, and
now relict of Thomas Fraser of Strichen, granted an assignation to her grand-
son, George M'Kenzie, son of Sir John, of 800 merks, payable to her yearly
during her life, by Sir John M'Kenzie of Tarbat, Knight Baronet, furth of
Kenneth M'Kenzie of Scatwell's rents, conform to contract in her favour. 2
Dame Margaret Macleod was living on 10th March 1651, when she entered
into a contract with her eldest son, Sir John.
Sir Eorie Mackenzie, having fallen into fatal illness, made his latter will
and testament on the 22d September 1626, in the following terms : —
Seing thair is nothing moir certane nor deathe, and nothing moir wncertane
nor the hour thairof, I, Sir Eodrick M c Kenzie of Cogaich, knicht, being waik and
sick in body, bot haill in spreit, sensis, and memorie, committis my sawill to the
omnipotent God, and my bodie to be bureit in the kirk zeard of Dinguall, at the
eist gewill of the kirk thairof. Att whilk place I ordaine Johne M°Kenzie, my
eldest sone and appeirand air, and Dame Margarat M c Claud, my spous, to caus
build ane lairge and fair Iyle or chappell, weill wowtit abone, and theckit with
hewin stoine. Item, I nominat and ordaine the said Johne M c Kenzie, my said
sone and appeirand air, my only executour testamentar, and vniuersall intromit-
tour with my haill goodis and geir ; and ordaines the said John M c Kenzie and
the said Dame Margarat M c Claud, my spous, to giwe wp the just and perfyt Inven-
tar of my haill moueabill goodis and geir whilk is left furth out of this my testa-
1 Extract Contract of Marriage at Tarbat 2 Original Assignation, dated 22d Septem-
House. ber 1647, at Tarbat House.

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