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My Lord, the confidence I have in your Lordship's freindship, as weelle as
the justice of your temper, makes your presence heirin verry necessary to me ;
and therfor, as I hope it shall be without any prejudice to your Lordship's
health, so I shall ever accompt it a singular favor done to,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's most oblidged and humble servant,
A. Nicolsone.
Indorsed by Lord Pollok : " The Lady Greenok to Sir John Maxwell, about
her daughter's marieage with the Master of Boss."
Sir John Maxwell, Lord Pollok, to Dr. Cotton Mather of Boston,
New England, 3d September 1711.
$61. Reverend and worthie sir, I had the honour and kyndnes of yours of the 25 th
March last, together with four verie good christian peices delyvered to me by
my good freind and your old acquaintance, Mr. James Broune, one of our ordinar
ministers in Glasgow, which I have perused, and thinks them usefull for per-
sons of all stations, therby to learn to doe good and advance pietie, and be
serviceable to God in ther generation : for which I doe return my humble
thanks most kyndly.
I was surpryzed at the character and testimonie yee are pleased to give
me, which I rather impute to your charitie then that I can justly deserve it ;
though I had the happienes to be descended of a father, the late Sir George
Maxwell of Pollok, who died in the year 1677, and my mother, whose name
was Annabell Stewart : They wer indeed bright paterns of piety and wisdom,
and weell esteemed of all that knew them.
All our University of Glasgow are verie sensible of the civill and respect-
full returns yee have made for the academicall honour wee sent yow ; and I
may say, though my father and grandfather hath served as rectors ther, yet I
doe not know it hath been more deservedly given to any then your serf, who
hath been so usefull in the work of the ministrie in these places, and whose
paines and literature appeares in your other works, particularly in that book of

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