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I most tell yow, both as my oune advyce, and your mother's too, that be in
that quhat will, your reputatione is so broken heir, that I know not what im-
ployment yee can take your serf too. Your patrimonie is now lost, as yee
may easily compt with your serf ; and I suppose hardly your freinds will ad-
vance a new one to yow to trade upon ; nor, I think, will any heir even scarce
receive yow in service. And I most pitie your mother, that now of three sones
knowes not which of them is the most unhappie. For, of late, I sent Sandie
Jamison to France, with Skipper Eae in Glasgow, seeing he would not be a
scholar ; but he hath fallen in so manie escapes of stealeing and pykeing, that
he hath ashamed all his freinds, and since hath not so much as looked me in
the face. Your brother John is now quyte bankrupt, and goes to Ireland at
May day, and, I believe, with as good as nothing. You may easily know how
unpleasant and sad to me it is, to tell such a relation of my freinds, but only to
let yow know the sadnes of your mother's case and thers. She constantly
weepes, and could not forbear to cry out, when I read yours to her, " Would to
God she had never had a male chyld !" Thus, haveing laid befor yow your
condition, traely with sorrow and sadnes, it is both her advyce and myne, that
yow be a sober and humble person all the dayes of your lyfe befor God, that
his wrath may be prevented, and mercy obtained through Jesus Chryst. But
returne hither, I know not quhat yee can turne yow to, without further breach
of your reputatione, and disgrace to your freinds. So, I think, if yee can gett
any honest service, or any other laufull imployment, though never so meane,
yee should accept of it, and shun the debaucheries of this tyme, that yee may
not further heap on the wrath of God upon yow, which is all at present can be
said from,
Your cussing, who truely compassionats your miserie.
All your freinds are weeU, and your sister Bessie is lately maried on John
Paedie, merchant in Glasgow.
Pollok, 16 December 1678.

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